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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Why do you feel you should trust Trump
  2. Biden lifted some of the sanctions when folks started whining about gas prices in 2023. He reinstated them in April of this year when the dictator welched on his promises.
  3. They retired long ago. Replaced by Tom Cruise. I'm not sure he's up to the task. Personally I was thinking about trying to lure Gabriel Allon out of retirement now that he's not part of Israeli Counter Intelligence.
  4. I think that's it in relation to the Supreme Court ruling. It would take away the ambiguity of whether or not the "crime" would be considered an "official act". Or at least that's my take.
  5. "Screw the long term psychological damage on the children." The party of "family values"
  6. Most all commercial rock radio is sad and pathetic. I can't remember the last time I listened to a station owned by one of the "major" corporations.
  7. Different strokes. We found it a nice place to visit not a big fan of Pigeon Forge and Asheville was too expensive. We ended up near Williamsburg,Va and fell in love with the area. Richmond's airport is about an hour away. Just an hour or so flight to DTW. Three hour drive to the Shenandoah Valley, Raleigh, maybe 6 hours to Hilton Head with Myrtle Beach in between. Snow ( if any ) is mostly gone in a day or two. No unsightly black snow mountains. DC is a two hour train ride. And there's Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. The perfect location for us
  8. I prefer moving halfway down. Permanently. I will admit owning a couple of timeshare weeks in Orlando twenty plus years ago. We ended up mostly trading for weeks we enjoyed more someplace (anyplace) else.
  9. My son's ex in-laws were Disney people. I went once, never saw the specific attraction. We would occasionally visit Busch Gardens when it was owned by the beer people, once every few years was enough. May have been OK when I was 30, at 70 forget about it.
  10. I feel that way about Florida in general. It ain't the politics, it's the weather.
  11. I'm familiar with the Villages. Had an adult band director several years describe it as 50 thousand people with 25 thousand golf clubs. I see the latest population is around 76 thousand and declining. Still that many golf carts is more than what turned out for Democrats in 2016 and 2020. The "conservatives" are losing momentum. Especially when the Trump Weird Party keeps talking about taking away our BINGO money
  12. We'll wake you in time to do the next game thread. Want some cocoa and cookies to calm you down?
  13. Anybody have 400 golf carts showing up for a Harris rally at The Villages in Florida..
  14. They say the presidency ages a man. LBJ was known to have heart problems. With Viet Nam protests heating up along with other issues of the era, I'm not sure he would have survived
  15. The '68 Primary season was still pretty much controlled by party bosses. Humphrey never entered a primary race and most states selected delegates at statewide conventions. Humphrey came into the convention leading in the committed delegate count. Thanks the local conventions. What I didn't know, LBJ seriously considered re-entering the race prior to the convention, that was nixed by John Connelly. The Daley wing of the party was pushing for an LBJ/Ted Kennedy ticket
  16. Really liking this guy. I think he translates well in tossup races
  17. Sec Pete destroys again...
  18. To me it's always been an A/B choice since I started voting in 1972. Usually the lesser of two evils so to speak. I wasn't crazy about Clinton in '16 but refused to vote for a multi bankrupt realtor turned "showman". In 2020 Anybody but Trump. This year is the same. Harris isn't perfect and I wish Biden had made the decision earlier. We're voting for delegates, not candidates most of the time. I respect the process, much better than McGovern's disaster at VP. This could be my last election, I want to leave the country in good shape for my grandson.
  19. I guess Monty Python's Life of Brian is now banned by the Righteous Right
  20. BTW, lost in Trump's rant about not having to vote in 4 years was him admitting he's not a Christian. Not even a Presbyterian.
  21. Who knew that Milton Berle, Jonathan Winters, Flip Wilson, etc turned me into a liberal
  22. I agree. The usual 7 tossup states are the most important. I've heard some talk about Harris being in Pennsylvania Monday. Shapiro will be there as well. His favorables are way up, but does he translate to Michigan or Wisconsin?
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