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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Of that list I think Shapiro might be the front runner. I'm not crazy about it since he is just a year or so into his first term and his replacement would be a hard core Trumpublican. He does hit the Larry Sabito rules for picking a running mate.
  2. How about Max Headroom?
  3. The rub here is a majority both houses of Congress has to approve the selection. We know what would happen in today's Congress. God save the King
  4. Fox and RW talk did the same with Clinton. All Hillary all the time
  5. If you seriously talk about DEI hires, Laura Trump tops the list.
  6. Amateur Night at Liberty Funny Bone Liberty Twp, Ohio
  7. Good thinking Joe, now go back to your big boat on the Potomac.
  8. The Never Trumpers are on the ball. Hire them for your ads, we'll sort out other differences later
  9. If he's a true son of Appalachia shouldn't it be a Dr Pepper. Mountain Dew is so 90s
  10. The arguments against Diaper Don and the Bearded Lady Vance could almost write themselves
  11. This guy needs a visit from the FBI
  12. Remember he keeps talking about 30 plus year old movie villains. Seems par for the course. They need to update his software to at least Windows 95 and replace the Commodore 64
  13. Tim Miller resurrects a Harris campaign ad from 2020. This needs to be repurposed and aired now.... (Just listen to the first 2 minutes or so)
  14. Silence of the Lambs (movie version) is what 30 plus years old now, Red Dragon, the first novel to feature the character is 40 some years. Someone tell Diaper Donnie that he's way over the hill and needs to come up with new material.
  15. A rare sighting, a Republican who says something that makes sense
  16. I'm going to start referring to the MAGA team as Diaper Don and the Bearded Lady
  17. Hey Joe, nobody cares
  18. Good catch, actually there were five. J Adams, his son JQ Adams, Martin Van Buren, Andrew Johnson, Trump. Wilson and Nixon weren't around to see their successor sworn in for other reasons. https://www.whitehousehistory.org/notably-absent-presidential-no-shows-on-inauguration-day#:~:text=Five outgoing presidents – John Adams,not participate for other reasons.
  19. Maybe not a couple of centuries, Jefferson and Adams could be quite brutal. 60-70 years maybe?
  20. I don't know. Did he ever serve as hall monitor in grade school?
  21. At least one member of the former Grand Old Party still has some class...
  22. Just thinking, I would love to watch a JD Vance-Pete Buttigieg debate. He's not high on my list, I would prefer a governor or someone with executive office experience
  23. By the way, Donald...
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