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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. His fellow republicans tolerate him. Trump loves him. To republicans, whatever Donald wants.... In other words see MTG
  2. He's a Republican from Missouri. The job is his until he decides to run for Governor, or President. Ive seen him, he has a Boebert, MTG feel to me. All hat, no horse
  3. Hawley was elected in 2019. He's from Missouri, a ruby red state. He's finishing up his first term.
  4. Who runs like a little girl. Go back and take a look at j H during the 1/6/21 insurrection attempt
  5. I thought Cox was one of the "saner" Republicans. My wife had a chance to interact with him recently on a project to bring more civility into politics. He's head of the National Governors' Conference and that's been his pet project, appearing at events with the governors of Colorado and Maryland. I guess civility only goes so far in Trump's America
  6. His flight to DTW was already booked after yesterday. He'll be in town watching his son play.
  7. I would pick the elimination of alternative viewpoints. Particularly around the issue of slavery and the history of the era leading up to the Civil War. Also the role of women and their contributions to society. While there are good history books written on the subject, it seems that there are forces that are afraid of the truth. The thing is it's been that way for as long as we have had public schools in a lot of areas. I'm glossing over this a bit, but the war on public education has been going on since at least the 60s
  8. While we're throwing polls against the wall, I'll just leave this here
  9. I still want cognitive tests from both candidates. Done by real physicians and psychologists, independent studies.
  10. Just a quick antidote from about 40 plus years ago. We lived in the shadow of Pat Robertson's CBN complex in Va Beach. I'm assuming now it's all part of the Regency University complex. We had a friend who went to work as a bookkeeper for CBN. One day the copying machine in one of the main offices stopped functioning. After a bit of hand wringing The staff gathered around the machine held hands and prayed. Karen walked up to the machine and gave it a quick kick. It started working. Miracles do happen
  11. Five days from Butler and still no word from the Republican candidate's physician. The American people need to know how minor or serious his wound was, and what is his mental condition. Getting shot at and wounded could do some serious damage to a 78 year old's mental well being. https://www.poynter.org/commentary/2024/donald-trump-ear-injury-official-medical-report/
  12. This is the line I heard this morning that got me shaking my head. Especially from a guy who has made big bucks in investment banking and the head of his party having made several promises to Wall Street types about lowering taxes. Meanwhile the 250 Manifesto that has Vance's fingers all over it will raise taxes on the middle class. And just a question, after they deport all those "illegals" who is going to get all those low paying jobs in the farming, food, and building industries? If you think white middle class folks are, I have a wall in Mexico I'd like to talk to you about.
  13. The Devil went down to Butler
  14. They conveniently leave out that the bullets “guided away” from Trump struck innocent people.
  15. Probably just as likely he'll consume one too many double cheeseburgers and large fries slathered with Ketchup. Not to mention his reported insatiable Coke addiction.
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