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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I think you guys were the last generation that got to actually make up their own fun. Pickup sports games for example. Or even things like bike riding and skateboarding. Seems like everything after that had to be strictly organized. But, what do I know. I'm a boomer
  2. One of the more ridiculous things I've read today. https://open.substack.com/pub/thebulwark/p/jd-vance-has-a-problem-on-his-face?r=45wcm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email Trump may eliminate JD Vance from his VP list because he has a beard. I can think of a few more reasons why I don't like him. The beard is not on the list
  3. One of my favorite concert band composers got her start orchestrating for Bill Conti. Julie Giroux's work is best known on North and South, Broadcast News, Masters of the Universe, etc. Her Facebook page is hilarious at times.
  4. A neurological test is medical. A cognitive test is usually conducted by a psychologist. It determines ability to reason, memory, judgement, etc. JB has admitted he hasn't taken the test and doesn't need it. This is the test that Trump brags about acing, and has received the highest score ever. Hey, I'm not calling for Biden to back out. I would love to see the two of them go head to head in a basic cognitive exam and see a true physical from DJT
  5. Neuropathy seems to be fairly common. It's usually related to diabetes. In JB's case doctors say it's not according to the White House release.
  6. I've met several ham sandwiches and based on conversations we've had on several nights I believe they would do a better job than Trump. But then again it could have been the pickles and provolone talking
  7. He had a physical in February, the White House did release a summary. No cognitive test was given at the time. Meanwhile I don't believe any tests released by the Trump campaign. He probably had someone take them for him.
  8. I still want to see if she floats
  9. Both candidates are past their sell by dates. I really think both candidates need to swallow their pride and submit to the usual battery of tests any 75 year old man or woman should undergo by a battery of independent physicians and psychologists . Actually, I'll take it one step farther, all candidates, no matter their age, should submit these tests. We were lied to about FDR, JFK, and who knows who else. These folks are working for us and we have a right to know. HIPPA laws be damned.
  10. I'm sure MTG would have been tried as a witch in another time
  11. We had six weeks of constant droning during the day from early May to mid June. Not as annoying as local folk made out on social media, more like constant white noise. The tree frogs a couple of weeks ago were a different story
  12. Dems have always been weak kneed. You're too young to remember the Eggleton fiasco. Not that it really mattered in the long run
  13. It's the 2016 playbook repeated. Instead of obsessing over Hillary's emails, and oh yea, remember when she was dehydrated one day that summer? Meanwhile no one is going after the convicted guy for his constant lying including his golf game (he just makes up numbers for rounds he never played) His energy level is so low, he only doing a couple poorly attended rallies a week and even there they have to pay people to show up. Right now I'm betting neither candidate makes it to election day
  14. Maybe it's time for Gores and Illitch to wake up and cut a deal with one of the local TV companies, or at least one with decent signals in the Metro area. I assume Comcast or whomever is the local cable monopoly carries the major stations' sub channels on their system, put the games there and work out a deal to pay production costs. Most stations have more than one substation capability so if there is a conflict games can be moved from say channel 2.2 to 2.3 for example. Most of these channels carry crap anyway, at least on commercial channels.
  15. We saw how Trump handled the COVID crisis first hand, we also know he's going to hand Ukraine over to Putin (as well as whatever else Vlad wants). Trump failed the leadership test 2017-2021. We also know the second time around he's likely to appoint more sycophants to do his bidding (televised executions anyone?) I'll take a half in the bag Biden over Trump who has never ever played with a full deck upstairs.
  16. Traveling this weekend from SE Michigan, back home, with overnights in Dayton and Lexington Va. Only a handful of Trump signs. I did see three overkill Trump houses where every inch of the front yard was covered. Nothing like 2016 or 2020. Personally I think people are reluctant to be overt politically this year. Meanwhile the Trumpy neighbors who flew their flag of distress took it down just before we left last week. I don't know if the HOA or someone else got to them. Noticed the proper flag etiquette this afternoon when we got home. I know their daughter is stationed in either Norfolk or Va Beach (I think) maybe she had a talk with her parents.
  17. Biden, most people believe the VP is basically a nothing job. Harris can do the heavy lifting with Biden there as a consultant so to speak.
  18. They've already started something similar.
  19. Trump is showing signs of mortality as well. Watch his gate, not as pronounced as Biden's (neuropathy, as well as the effects of a broken foot in 2021). Trump is obese, it's been long reported his diet is not the best. Not good for a 78 year old man. It was also well known that the former President seldom reported to the office before 10 AM.
  20. So if it's raining at the airport but sunny at the studio 10 miles away.....
  21. Another Golden Oldie. He hasn't aged well at all I've lived in this area for four years now, not to mention a bit of time 30 plus years ago. I've never seen an airport in Yorktown. Fort McHenry was in 1812. Is this what MAGA's are brainwashing our kids with
  22. That sounds more like Warner. Especially looking at his congressional record and his time as governor
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