TBH a lot of this was just glossed over in Virginia's public schools back in the late 60s. We learned the basics, but for the longest time the state's 4th and 7th grade Virginia Social Studies book gave us a different view. Slaves loved their masters, the Civil War was about states rights and oh yea something about slavery.
Most of us probably slept thru American History or Government.
We were taught to remember dates and facts, very little about why things happened or any other reasoning.
I'm way over the hill, an ancient artifact married to a History Major who specialized in mid 19th century history. Living where we do has opened up a few eyes. As I tell folks who are asking about programming at CW, there's a lot here we were never taught in Social Studies class.
It's not woke, it's fact if you spend enough brain cells to look. Most people don't.