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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Two more horrendous strike three calls by the home plate up
  2. So, it's not a bribe if it's paid after the goods are delivered????
  3. Nope, Still have the distaste of a million burning hot suns against Trump ever seeing the inside of the White House again
  4. That was part of the initial draw. We boarded the dog for a couple of nights. When we mentioned to the woman who checked us in that we were in for the concerts and a bit of exploring she said "You ought to move here, we have a University, a symphony ......" We did some exploring of the downtown area and put it on our list. It's a nice place to visit. We still had a few years before "retirement". It's kind of like dating. Once you knew, you knew.
  5. We scouted the Cookeville area. This was after a good experience visiting for the filming of Bluegrass Underground a few years ago (when they used the caverns in McMinnville). One of my wife's associates ran the PBS station there. We went back a few months later for a bit more exploring (Crossville, Sparta, Rickman, etc). The vibe just wasn't there. We basically felt the same way about areas like Asheville and Spartanburg, nice places to visit but we really didn't want to end up there for whatever reasons.
  6. And he returns to Australia...
  7. He might find it a bit easier than handling 4th graders. Seriously, how much influence did LeBron have in this decision since they teamed up on a podcast for several years together. Not counting his 15 years as a player in the league.
  8. Well, it is the "People's House"
  9. I just checked the Osher Institute at W&M. I've been a bit reluctant to sign up for programs but now seems like a good time. The fall catalog comes out the end of July, price seems fairly reasonable. It's in person, geared for adults and particularly seniors. Another reason to get off the couch. https://learnatosher.wm.edu/wm/course/course.aspx?catId=71
  10. TBH a lot of this was just glossed over in Virginia's public schools back in the late 60s. We learned the basics, but for the longest time the state's 4th and 7th grade Virginia Social Studies book gave us a different view. Slaves loved their masters, the Civil War was about states rights and oh yea something about slavery. Most of us probably slept thru American History or Government. We were taught to remember dates and facts, very little about why things happened or any other reasoning. I'm way over the hill, an ancient artifact married to a History Major who specialized in mid 19th century history. Living where we do has opened up a few eyes. As I tell folks who are asking about programming at CW, there's a lot here we were never taught in Social Studies class. It's not woke, it's fact if you spend enough brain cells to look. Most people don't.
  11. I am now requiring that anyone that wants my vote should at least have a working knowledge of Civics and basic American history...i In rebuttal I present Thomas Jefferson's Letter to Danbury Baptists. https://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9806/danpre.html While Jefferson was not involved in writing the US Constitution, he did express views on the separation of church and state.
  12. And for extra credit, if you really want to bring the King James Version of the Bible back to schools, or the RSV, American Standard, or whatever whitewashed version is popular these days add a few things like the Beatitudes along side the Ten Suggestions. After all Christ did say he was bringing a new covenant and if one actually paid attention to those teachings instead of what the money grabbing MEGA Churches teach these days.....
  13. Just thinking back to that era. We had just moved from lily white Westmoreland County, Pa about two years before. I started high school (8th grade in 1966) the first year they integrated the rural SW Va county we lived in. It was a true educational experience for 13 year old me. Fortunately not much drama between the races, however. We were lucky considering what happened in other areas. The descendants of George Wallace’s voters have become Trumpets
  14. Make sure they know that while they would likely keep military bases, they would likely need to supply weapons and personnel themselves. Of course I’d charge them premium rates for property. As an aside, I’m currently reading Eric Larson’s latest Demon of Unrest. It deals with the breakup in 1861 and the attack on Fort Sumpter. So many parallels
  15. Taking away jobs that used to belong to senior citizens
  16. Associate Degree, 2 year certificate from From a Junior College or Community College.
  17. Or as Junior Bush once said jobs Americans don't want to do......
  18. A interesting profile on Redick from one of his hometown papers https://cardinalnews.org/2024/06/20/the-basketball-iq-thats-taking-jj-redick-to-la-is-nothing-new-just-ask-his-roanoke-county-coach/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=The++basketball+IQ++that+s+taking+JJ+Redick+to+LA+is+nothing+new++Just+ask+his+Roanoke+County+coach&utm_campaign=Friday%2C+June+21%2C+2024
  19. Not SCOTUS but a Court/Trump related filing. Delay, Delay, Delay
  20. Clarence is waiting for the check to clear
  21. Or going ranked choice, similar to Alaska and a couple other states. There have been elections every year since we moved in 2020. Between presidential and congressional races (plus primaries) to statewide races in the off years. The average citizen is getting tired of the constant campaigning and seeing nothing being accomplished for their effort. That seems to be the perception anyway.
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