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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I was reminded today by one of the blogs I follow that whomever wins the election has a good chance of appointing 2 or possibly three new Supreme Court justices. Thomas and Alito are both in their 70s (75 and 73) and will likely retire if Trump takes office. Sotomayor is 69 and is rumored to have health problems, it's likely she may resign right after the election to allow Biden to rush her replacement thru the Senate while there's still a slight majority. A bit of a wildcard is Roberts who is also 69. He's likely to just say the hell with it within the next 4 years. That would actually make 4, though I think he may try to stick it out. A Trump victory and Roberts retirement would likely mean that he would get to appoint 7 of the nine justices. Most of them young enough to stick around for the next 15-20 years. Definitely a frightening prospect
  2. Today's JVL on Trump and Big Business...(he ain't wrong) https://open.substack.com/pub/thebulwark/p/why-ceos-play-nice-with-dictators?r=45wcm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
  3. It's been interesting watching this project from a distance. My son was part of the project in the early days overseeing the project that cleared the land and reclaimed the soil from the housing developments and factories on the Detroit side. He'd tell stories of digging into the ground and watching them come up with shovelfuls of old mattresses and stuff. In the years before construction houses and buildings were just bulldozed over, contents and all
  4. I served a two year term at Arby's as an assistant manager so my biases are baked in. It was probably about 20 years before I had another Jamocha Shake
  5. Since this is bound to turn political I'll just post it here. There are actually parents willing to pay Chick Fil A to put their kids to work. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/chick-fil-s-35-kids-summer-camp-sparks-controversy-rcna157001?utm_campaign=mb&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=morning_brew I thought summer camp was supposed to be fun (not that it really was)
  6. Birds of a feather
  7. I have a friend whose daughter graduated from West Point. I'm sure she can take out this guy
  8. Crazy uncle don has been the crazy sauce again
  9. Any guess on how many more of the Clan of Trump will come out with a similar ad..
  10. Three steps backward...
  11. Imagine being someone like Bob Good who has been one of the biggest Trumpers in the House (after rigging the nominating primary/convention in 2020) only to be dissed by Trump who endorsed his opponent and told to remove his campaign signs tying him to the Big Guy
  12. Scheffler still having issues off the tee. I've seen very few of his shots land in the fairway.
  13. Exactly, and considering both candidates age I feel the choice of a running mate comes into play. In this case it would be a choice between Harris and whomever Trump finally decides on (Burgum, Vance, Rubio or another flavor of the day)
  14. Grandpa Trump's rambling seems to have the kids a bit concerned....
  15. Grandpa's watching too many late night movies while having his midnight Big Mac Attack
  16. Milwaukee joins NYC, DC, Chicago, Detroit, LA (to name a few of the places TFG hates. Maybe he would like to hold the convention in Moscow. I'm sure the rest of the Party would approve
  17. Just saw that. And they wonder why churches are failing.
  18. Meanwhile somewhat related
  19. Heading back into the Dark Ages, they just want to keep women barefoot and pregnant.
  20. So, now they're mad because Hunter was acquitted? These guys don't want to legislate, they just want the rubes' $$$$ Read the entire thread, quite interesting and scary
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