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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Hunter convicted on all counts
  2. The guy who convinced a doctor he had bad feet to get out of serving now wants to make military service mandatory? How about Trump serving six weeks in boot camp? I doubt the guy could survive a weekly session of cardio/pulmonary rehab
  3. And people are getting sick of it. Especially the "saner politicians" on both sides of the aisle who are "quitting Washington". And you are correct the current reality is spreading to the local level as well. Is the best we can hope for is something similar to the European Union with a dozen or so member nations to come about in time to morn the Declaration of Independence on its 250th birthday?
  4. Not exactly sure where to load this. Full disclosure, it's one of my wife's current projects. It's part of a series of events promoting bipartisanship in politics or "how to argue better" This is from the Western Governor's Conference that's going on this week. Judy Woodruff with a panel of current and former governors from the mostly square states. To be honest it got off to a shaky start, but if you fast forward to about 43 minutes in, past the welcoming remarks and Judy's intro and small talk you may find some sane politicians
  5. Unfortunately all we have basically is a binary choice, not counting the Kennedy guy who seems to have his own cognitive issues. Which party has the saner bench to better serve "We the people" and not the business or outside overlords. I may have been persuaded to vote for McCain over Obama if it hadn't been for his choice of VP. The federal government is not just one man or woman. I trust Biden's choice of folks over whatever or whomever Trump is being sold
  6. More CON pretzel logic
  7. It would be a "perfect" specimen. The best urine sample ever
  8. The whole discussion that the foam tiles couldn't have possibly caused that serious damage was particularly infuriating and interesting until testing proved it was indeed possible. Along with the fact that something similar had happened on an earlier flight...
  9. A bit related the CNN archives has a good documentary on the Columbia, the post flight investigation and influence on the US Space program. Very interesting report https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/13/world/columbia-space-shuttle-disaster-nasa-scn/index.html
  10. They were there long enough to pick up their Trump Crowd checks. They'll still vote for him however because BIDEN
  11. I think +4-5 should be close to what we can expect this far out. Between federal employees in NoVa and defense contractors in NoVa and Hampton Roads. There's probably enough dissatisfaction with Gov Youngkin as well to swing the vote. But then my Trump district congresscritter keeps getting re-elected because he's an ATM for the shipyards
  12. Yet he still won't resign until after the election
  13. Real Republicans don't shop at Kohl's anyway... I guess Walmart is still available
  14. Eisenhower had two speeches ready for the aftermath of the DDay invasion. One if it was successful, the other if it failed. This is leadership, taking responsibility. Also related, Bedford, Va a mall town between Roanoke and Lynchburg, had the largest per capita of men killed during the invasion. 38 men from the town served in Company A, 20 were killed. There is a monument to those who served there. It's been a few years and too many trips along RT 460, I need to stop on my next visit to the Valley https://www.stripes.com/special-reports/featured/d-day/2024-06-02/bedford-boys-dday-wwii-virginia-army-normandy-14056070.html#:~:text=Thirty-eight men from the small town of Bedford%2C Va,20 were killed in action.
  15. Should somebody tell Sen Claghorn that a former president from his party used to hang a lot with Epstein
  16. I worked at a radio station where the new owners were talked into buying an automation system that consisted of the C64 and a couple of the cassette drives (for commercials primarily) I could never get the damn thing to work the way it was "supposed" to.
  17. Now they’re just making up the rules as they go. These are not serious people. Not even qualified to pick up trash along the road
  18. So if they “fixed” it never really happened, right
  19. It's not Putin holding Evan Gershkovich hostage, it's Donald Trump. Give the felon what he wants or he'll blow it all up
  20. Unfortunately our HOA is toothless, but I will email them
  21. So the house on the corner is breaking the law by flying the distress flag. Should I notify authorities that they seem to be in trouble or let them flounder? This is the house that had a big Trump sign on her car in 2020, (I'm not sure his job permits political stickers or signs) and Youngkin in 2021.
  22. Basically in the same boat along with the fact that one of my meds does not play well with carbonated drinks. Outside of an occasional Petite Verdot or a glass of beer at the local brewery, I'm down to plain old water. Coffee is next on my list of drinks to go.
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