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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. If you have not sold (I did two weeks ago) NVDA ship has left port. Fun while it lasted...
  2. Can we please tariff wherever we buy Pumpkin Spice from 100% 😁
  3. The coffee shortage of 2025 has been averted lol
  4. He was jusy sworn in less than 48 hours ago........
  5. Don’t worry tomorrow will bring a new grievance.
  6. Boom boss man got involved 🇺🇸
  7. Operative, sounds sinister.
  8. Oh man what a time to be alive….
  9. I personally would be happy with amnesty for non criminal illegal aliens. After rooting out the over a million illegals who have deportation status. Maybe it will happen? Definitely would create a ton of republican voters if Trump did it.
  10. That is how it is done my friends…
  11. Rom I am sorry, I have no axe to grind with you. You’re a good guy and mean well. Please accept my apology.
  12. Todays grievance, Vets and infidelity.
  13. What if a drug addict reforms themselves. Would you look down on them too? We are all humans after all. I have said it before, look up divorce attorneys in any given city you will probably find 100 in your area. Heck, kids these days don’t even bother getting married.
  14. He as most Vets did not care for Harris. Maybe if they would have had a ran out someone else he would have considered them.
  15. My Dad told me he wished he did not go through hell of Vietnam. He also said he was happy for whoever managed to stay out of the war. He is one of Trumps biggest supporters. I guess you need to ask all of the vets who support Trump.
  16. There are his true colors, talking bad about a fellow soldier behind their back. We had a name for folks like you I will not share here.
  17. Lets play what administration spent tax dollars worse. WASHINGTON – After an explosive report revealed the Biden-Harris administration sent $293 million to the Taliban, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken blasting them for funding a terrorist organization and demanding they immediately rectify the situation https://www.ernst.senate.gov/news/press-releases/ernst-blasts-biden-harris-admin-for-nearly-300-million-handout-to-the-taliban
  18. NIH lifted gain of function pause in 2014. Anthony Fauci’s pardon goes back to, checks notes 2014. Weird
  19. The article also states that after the content is reviewed and is determined to be historical, it will be added back into the training program. somebody jumped the gun and arbitrarily removed it.
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