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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Once my daughter starts school in Chicago this fall. We @buddhashould all have a meet up at some point over the next four years. Maybe not the drive by, blockade bar though. I am even down to take a bike ride there.
  2. For every shipment they stop 10 more get through.
  3. If this is were we are currently at will there even be a season? WTF..............
  4. Not a guitar guru like you guys but what ever happened to I think he went by Corky on the old board?
  5. Like what are the Urkraines suppose to do? You mass 100K+ troops around their border and they suppose to act like everything is fine?
  6. I see your point but an example I have was in my red state Indiana. People were peacefully protesting the Floyd murder and everything was fine. Then a bunch of protesters blocked the main downtown street. Cops came out with Riot gear and tear gassed the crowd to clear the road. It went to court and portesters tried to sue the local police but case was thrown out.
  7. It is so true. These guys have me bending more and more to the left.
  8. Well here you go, the home team Northrop (My wifes Alma Mater) vs. North Side (My Alma Mater) big brawl just last night. AAU families carrying this style of ball all the way through highschool.
  9. You might be right we will never know. Do you think she hurt or helped him?
  10. McCain wins if he takes anyone but her.
  11. It's like a religion to a number of countries. I have a lot of Columbian family down there and they go nuts for it. However baseball is almost as popular, not american baseball or MLB but local teams. They sell out almost all their games and they have a ton of in game mannerisms. They make the wave look like childs play, its wild to watch during the game when you are there very entertaining.
  12. Yes, most travel soccer teams seem to be this way. Those kids would not survive an AAU basketball Tourney. Parents are brutal to kids on the other team. My kid last weekend got elbowed in the side of the head and went down. The ref stopped the game so he could gather himself. A mom on the other team yelled "Get this cry baby off the floor".
  13. Going off of my 13 yo son and his athletic friends none of them play soccer (They all play Baseball,Football,Basketball). The idea they like to say is the non athletic kids play soccer, they are also the socially awkward kids playing soccer, I dunno.
  14. Prince Fielder is part of the resistance?
  15. One of my prized possessions.
  16. Hmm don't see the strategy in telling someone when they will invade.
  17. Here are our pals. Rosie is 12 and loves to sleep. Ernie (After Ernie Harwell) Is 2 and loves to cuddle. LuLu (After LuLu Harwell) is 3 months old is a hand full!!!!
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