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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. It puts the crazy to bed. I am happy for that.
  2. More grandstanding by everyone’s favorite Native American
  3. Common Sense
  4. ok..............
  5. Ameica is so ready to move on from the J6 everything. If they didn't Trump would not be president.
  6. Pete is killing it.
  7. Judging by college campus's last year and the boycott during the joint session of congress America is helping lead the way.
  8. I will take the L on the misinformation I will do better. Believe it or not I am super sad about the fires. I spent a lot of time in LA area in the early 2000’s. Our go to spot was the Reel Inn, located in Topganga state park it was amazing.
  9. Look at that community notes for the win. Not bad for state media.
  10. This 100% a real thing. Being in the diesel industry this is something I am well versed in. In 2036 MD diesel sales will be banned there. God forbid they lift regulations when you have a major disaster but it’s Cali after all. You can read up on it below. https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/truckstop/pdfs/truck_bus_booklet.pdf https://www.northbaybusinessjournal.com/article/article/what-you-need-to-know-about-californias-new-emissions-ban-on-older-diesel/
  11. Go figure. Also, when did start looking like he just jumped off the Mystery Machine? 😂
  12. Probably a bunch of bored kids.They failed to cut the locks on the uniform cabinet but I bet they just wanted to play dress up. https://www.newsweek.com/humvees-bayonets-stolen-army-center-amid-california-looting-2013517 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/3-humvees-stolen-from-tustin-army-reserve-center/ar-BB1rgs2Z
  13. We can only speculate with the information provided. Maybe we will find out otherwise, until then it does not look great for Gav and the gang.
  14. The governor was not the only one to fail that’s for sure. Why would the state with a budget larger than some countries cut funding to the number one natural disaster threat facing said state?
  15. Keion Brooks Jr signed a 2 way with Pelicans. I went to high school with his Dad and my best man’s son played together with Keion at our same high school. Hope he gets into a game.
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