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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. I don’t get it. As the Buddha stated Cali #s with strict mask mandates still average higher than a wide open state like Indiana including schools. Shouldn’t the science see Indiana a Covid inferno? I go to high school basketball games every week and no one wears masks. These games happen at hundreds of schools since November. You would think with this crazy lifestyle we would be off the charts with infection rate.
  2. I was in Chicago and had to show a vax card as well. Funny story I went to my buddies house in Wrigleyville and went on the L. At two transfers there were dudes selling fake vax cards for $20. I asked to see one and they looked Identical to mine. They must be real blanks. They would even give you a paper on how you should fill it out and what color pen to use.
  3. Agree 100% yet who actually has access to N-95's? Cloth masks are usless yet we treat them like a rally call.
  4. True, yet here we are. Government can't mandate vax so if you want to wear a mask at this point its your choice.
  5. I was in Virginia for a week in October and I did not see many people wearing masks. None of the workers at my hotel, bar wore them. All of the stores I went into had a sign saying "Masks Recommended" but not required. Only when we went to D.C. were they required.
  6. My point being everyone who wants to get vaxxed wear a mask can. I am 100% for getting vaxxed and if you feel comfortable wearing a mask thats great too.
  7. Probably but I think people are over it now. Get Vaxxed don't get vaxxed at this point it seems pointless to wear a mask unless you want to.
  8. Indiana has not had a mask mandate at a grocery store, bar or anywhere except hospitals for over a year.
  9. My local school district which inlcudes about 30K students has had no mask mandate all school year. They have decided starting Monday they will not contact trace students anymore. Last year my daughter was Quarantined (Mask Mandate was in place 20-21 school year) 4 seperate times and missed about 6 weeks of in school time. They also are not requiring a negative test to return to school. If you have a fever you are suppose to stay home and can return after 24 hours of being fever free. I think this is probably the right way to handle things going foward. COVID in some form or another is here to stay.
  10. LOL he fought the law and the law won!
  11. Popcorn Sutton, last of the true Moonshiners. Got busted a few years back looking at 10-20 years got put on bail and capped himself.....
  12. You can hear the transfer portal firing up.
  13. Rumors on the Tweeter are Patricia is suppose to interview for the job........
  14. One thing we can all agree on is Trump and Biden have corrupt ass kids.
  15. Thanks, he is a Vietnam Vet. Agent Orange is catching up to him. He now has Parkinson’s, beat Prostate cancer but now is battling non-hodgkin's lymphoma.
  16. My Dad is going through chemo right now as well. He has had minor side affects. They do a good job of balancing doses to keep folks feeling better. Prayers for your wife…
  17. This is what I was thinking of. The Detroit Tigers’ initial foray into postseason baseball didn’t go well at all. The year was 1907. After capturing the first of the franchise’s 11 American League pennants, the Tigers met the Chicago Cubs in the World Series. Game 1 ended in a 3-3, 13-inning tie. The National League champs then swept the Tigers in the next four games.
  18. Lipstick on a pig.
  19. Tough crowd, jeesh..... Was it on the WS? I thought I remeber reading 06-07 maybe?
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