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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Check that start time I am seeing 9PM est.
  2. NAFTA has nothing to do with this discussion right?
  3. OK fellas lets not start a Holy war!
  4. Agreed but here we are......
  5. The sliver lining of this is the dummies who don't get vaxxed will in a way be vaxxed once they recover.
  6. +1,000 Well said.
  7. That’s great you get to enjoy him.
  8. Kind of answered my own question.
  9. Agree with that. One thing I don't get is the Voter I.D. requirement. I am 45 and since I was 18 in Indiana you have to show a picture I.D. to vote which are free through our BMV. How many states DON'T require this?
  10. What killed the Grammys for me was politics. Instead of getting your award and thanking everyone who helped you get there they turn it into a rant.
  11. This, its all pandering to the base. See guys we tried! Shrugs shoulders and moves on... Is an executive order an option?
  12. Drawing attention to something that needs no spotlight. A boy is a boy and girl is a girl. Why sue? Thats what gets me, we the public have to pander to everyones whim. If Jimmy wants to identify as Julie fine.
  13. LOL I was seeing if that would get you. They do a decent job but the stories they run with make me scratch my head. I was listening a month or so ago and they did a story about parents suing a school district because they want their "Son" who identifies as a girl to play on the girls basketball team. How is that newsworthy?
  14. Libs think NPR can do no wrong, Fox news of the left.
  15. You can't get carjacked if you just ride your bike.
  16. They call that rape I thought?
  17. Thanks for the reminder! Netflix always dumps new series all at once.
  18. I am down for that! Simple DNA test and bam!
  19. I meant I was agreeing with you.
  20. Thats wrong too.
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