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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Really? I am a huge Lost fan and don't see it. There is an invisible monster running around but thats about it to me.
  2. Glad to hear you are getting better. Why were you hesitant? My wife says there is a window when the infusion works, if you wait to long you get too sick and it don't work. She said most of the anti-vaxxers are in her ICU because of that. There are a BUNCH who refuse it. Hard to feel sorry for someone like that.....
  3. I get why but these kids are getting an underwhelming education. From my experience with remote learning most kids just check out unless you have a parent riding your ass.
  4. Garden hose or Bottled?
  5. Try slinging around 300-400 pound obiese sedated patients that shit all over the floor. Then when your done with that go hold the hand of a child who's mother just overdosed and their family is saying goodbye to them. You have no clue what an average Nurses shift looks like.
  6. His wife is a Nurse like mine who probably works a 12 hour shift that usually ends up being 13-14 hour shift.
  7. I was at my son's basketball game before Christmas and I over heard parents on the other team talking about COVID. Someone actually brought up the idea of the kids having a COVID party during Christmas break. They wanted their kids to get exposed to a positive kid and quarantine over the holidays so they wouldn't miss any games in January......
  8. Drove up to the Pistons game last night (don't judge me). Stopped at the rest area just inside michigan on I75N. Took me forever to find a parking space like what gives? Then I see a medical trailer for COVID testing. There were 75-100 standing outside waiting in line to get tested.
  9. Just were I like Lynn, behind a paywall.
  10. Yup, cancel culture if you ever saw it.
  11. What? Every movie I ever watched they swear on a Bible how do you explain that?
  12. Yup, we never closed schools in most of Indiana. I feel really bad for the kids that missed there senior year activities around the country for no real advantage.
  13. So why do we even swear on a Bible in court? Seems like a needless step at this point.
  14. You sound like one of the locals that G2 lifts his nose to in the east berlin side of his county in Michigan. 🤪
  15. You make it sound like you risk your life to ride your bike through enemy red territory....... But it is much safer to ride your bike through Buddas Chicago stomping grounds. Those evil country folk are whats wrong with "your" America.
  16. I really wish the league would keep the fanbase informed on where things stand. Like a daily briefing.
  17. Funny how we want to take religion out of everything yet all of our founding documents have God written all over them. Currency, Capital Building, Supreme Court etc God.... I know once all of the historically questionable statues come down anything God related in the Government will be next. Don't you take the oath of office with your hand on a bible? I am not trying to ba a bible thumper but why is it so important NOT to reflect on a moral foundation? The 10 Commandments are a pretty reasonable way to guide your life no matter what you believe.
  18. Two Christmas’s ago we got Ernie (Fawn Pug) for the kids, they named him. My wife said some day she wanted a black girl Pug and she would name her Lulu. She got her wish today! Merry Christmas everyone! 🐯
  19. Tear Jerker, Merry Christmas guys.
  20. Was always a big fan of Munson.
  21. Amazing, Archie goes MIA and now we have the Wismical Fox
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