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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. OK I'm done! You have very good takes and I keep trying to get under your skin. I know you are a good guy even for a elitist. 🤑
  2. Exaclty, Biden has not caused inflation but here we are. The problem I have is the left spins it that inflation will stop after Christmas just like Trump said COVID would be gone at Easter......
  3. I would think with Jan 6 and the diarrhea hew spews that number goes down. I did not vote for him and won't if nominated. Many of the non indoctrinated feel the same on the right. Its amazing how the evangelical worship him like a golden cow..... He stands for everything they confess to be against.
  4. It's because you had all that stimmy money!
  5. Wow you gave out a few shillings, I would sleep better at night to good stuff.
  6. Dems must be happy for this. He is unelectable. Proved that last round.
  7. The Elite 17% are too busy adding on to their lake homes and trying to count all that stimulus money in the bank to care. At least that’s the narrative I am being told.
  8. It would depend on what you are selling. Can you lower profit loss by cutting expenses? I guess without knowing the product it’s all conjecture.
  9. California is a Landlord state. Outside of DC they are the lowest home ownership (Michigan is #1) and tracking down yoy for a decade. Even middle class rent. No equity for renters just another staggering expense.
  10. What exaclty was in the voting act? Longer voting hours, vote on Sunday, Show state ID. Was there more?
  11. Good talk, I appriciate the debate. There are a few guys in here (In this thread to be exact) I would never want to hangout with. Alot of raised noses, cheers.
  12. You just said Cali resident have higher buying power. But if you take into account fuel, rent, food costing more I don't see the "buying power" advantage.
  13. Higher wages are better but you still are not accounting for the cost of living. Cali gas per gallon today $4.68 Texas gas per gallon today $2.92 Thats huuuge https://gasprices.aaa.com/state-gas-price-averages/
  14. No idea what you are talking about. You just said they would stop buying if it cost to much.
  15. Not sure how old that data is for hourly in Cali but the kid I mentioned was hired last month $17.50 just turned 16 no experience of course.
  16. Good stuff, I love seeing antylitics of costs by regions. $1 goes much farther in Texas vs Cali I would suspect.
  17. Most families need milk and bread no? I guess not eat?
  18. I was just assuming the Big Mac cost you reffered to was an average cost in the U.S. inflated by states like Cali.
  19. ? Cali has been historically higher wage region for years. Everything costs more out there. You are arrogant but that goes without saying.
  20. When the wage increase occurs without a higher profit margin for a company it's not absorbed. You think CEO's are going to take a pay decrease so their employees get a raise?
  21. I travel to California for work and always amazed how much more expensive things are out there. My partners son works at a McD's in Long Beach and starting wage for burger flipper is $17.50 an hour. My one bedroom apartment I keep out there 2 miles from Compton is $1500 a month w/o utilities.
  22. This is a different issue all together. Yes there is a material shortage issue from over seas but the biggest issue is labor. Skilled labor is leaving the work force at a staggering rate. These guys 50-60 years old with 30 plus years of exp are not being back filled. There are not enough young people willing to work their way through skilled trade.
  23. let me give you an example: Do you remember during 2020 when the government paid a large percentage of americans to stay home? Then a large portion of them said " I won't come back to work for that pay level"? Many employers had to start paying higher wages to lower income folks to get them back into the work force right? Do employers eat that cost? No, they pass the buck to the consumer. Hmmm what happens next, cost of consumable goods goes up. So said folks who got a bump from $13 per hour to $14-15 is negated due to higher costs. It's economics 101 my friend.
  24. You have a small scope of the country. I won't waste my time trying to break it down for you. From what I gather you are college educated working from home going 18 plus months, dual income and even have a gym membership. This is a very small percentage of the general public. Like you say let everyone eat cake!
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