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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. I know not all cases are treated equal but what about Timothy George Simpkins? Black student in Texas who took a gun to school and shoots three people. Was released on $75,000 bond while Rittenhouse bond was set at 2 Million.
  2. He borrowed from a friend in Wisconsin which was registered and legal to do. The media has really spoon fed misinformation during this case. One of the alarming side effects of this social media era we are in.
  3. You are 100% right. You cant have it both ways. I was wrong.
  4. It discusses how much better and cleaner the world is (Thankfully Hitler did not succeed but RVW did) once we eliminate the potential bad seeds. In "that" ideology its very comparable.
  5. That is untrue. His mother did NOT drive him there. It amazes me how uneducated the public was on this trial, just parroting the media instead of looking for facts.
  6. Yes, very third reich. Scary it’s used as a positive point.
  7. They key to this trial was the video evidence and the guy admitting that Kyle did not shoot until he aimed his gun at him. Wisconsin is not synonymous with these laws, many states have similar.
  8. Due process of the law was followed. He was attacked at that point those guys were not victims they were aggressors.
  9. OK so the "Make America Great Again" by the Trumpets sounds grammatically correct. "Build Back Better" makes me cringe everytime I see it. Is that just me?
  10. My Dad had a rural paper route, we would use the plastic newspaper bags he had left over.
  11. I think he would make a better standup comic. It sounded like his opening act, crazy times….
  12. So I have tons of Trumpy friends/family on FB. I have seen this shared at least 30 time this week.
  13. Oh so it was like a Trevor Bauer type of encounter?
  14. ?? Can someone explain this one lol.
  15. Makes a savvy deal for Ray then, Joe Nathan….
  16. At least we can claim some of these accolades. Unlike WS rings…
  17. Al Franken got shamed out of office for less.
  18. That was right after he flopped three feet to the right of third base and was tagged out during the playoff game to end the series. When asked about it after the game he said "I got kids man....". Out the door he was shipped, huge blessing in disguise.
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