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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. You forgot to mention the part about he talks about Area 51 lol
  2. Allstate has since yanked this lol
  3. I wonder what the over/under on the day Biden issuing the rest of his team pardons? I am betting 1/10/25, gotta allow time for the ink to dry.
  4. Proud american moment. the cadaver of George Soros received PMF award along with Hillary how fitting.
  5. Maybe the left should arm up and form good guy militias? That would be something to see.
  6. Now you see the light! Awesome bub.
  7. Yet Harris ended her campaign 20 million in the 🚽 with a billion dollar budget. I wonder how those folks feel about not getting paid?
  8. lol I am glad you guys get some aggression out interacting with me. If not you would be patting each other on the back with group outrage towards the right. Glad I could be at some service..
  9. I saw a ton of polls leading up to 2024 election too.
  10. We have millions of illegals obtaining healthcare yet giving vets equal care will overwhelm the system.
  11. It is not cheap to maintain VA facilities, staff, doctors equipment the list goes on. This plan would employ a small government department that manages claims submitted for payment. Just like private health care insurance providers do. They basically do all that now and still offer a decrepit VA hospital system. This would still be free to the veteran but cheaper to the government. You realize how much Medicaid costs? A person can literally get free healthcare in America if you eat yourself obese and qualify disabled they don’t pay out of pocket at all but use private healthcare freely.
  12. Huh? The government would fund it. How does the VA function now lol.
  13. I am so glad to see the X boycott lasted less than two months!
  14. Why would it be? He was a reality tv contestant and wrote a wild manifesto. I have lost a number of brothers to suicide. All of them did it away from their family and in a private setting. Please don’t lump what he did to true PTSD military survivors.
  15. Probably PTSD https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/new-orleans-attack-latest-fbi-dhs-warn-copycat/story?id=117290889 Shamsud-Din Jabbar's foreign travel is a part of the ongoing investigation, law enforcement officials told ABC News. Investigators are working to determine what he did during his travel in Egypt, why he went and who he interacted with while there, multiple sources said. Critical to the probe is whether he had been radicalized prior to the travel or if the travel marked the start of his radicalization. "This next most important phase of the investigation is to find out how that radicalization happened and if it happened on that trip," Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams Two U.S. officials told ABC on Friday that, though it's still very early in the investigation, there is evidence at this time that Jabbar had been in contact with a direct ISIS representative. NBC News was the first to report on the rare chemical. A search of Jabbar's home in Houston also turned up bomb-making materials, sources confirmed to ABC News on Thursday. The items found were also referred to as "precursor chemicals" by agents in the field, sources said.
  16. We have already debated this. They will give vets private healthcare. Medicaid would be an upgrade over VA services. lol thinking the idea is to cut off vets.
  17. Evangelical Christian’s have been accused of plotting mass murders in the U.S. G? They are as dangerous as radicalized jihadists?
  18. Cat Turd and End Wokeness are accounts that point to media ineptitude they are not journalists.
  19. The LW narrative is the VA is responsible for New Year’s Day actions. No ISIS or Muslim reference. https://www.allsides.com/news-source/intercept
  20. I do appreciate they call it a riot these days.
  21. It’s ok chief. Your team had a bad day, these things happen.
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