I listen to both sides all the time. The left can never admit they do anything wrong. Harris is the reason the election was lost to Dems. No way Trump wins if the left ran a vanilla candidate instead of an extremist. Example: The commercial that Trump ran with her own words stating that inmates will get free sex changes in prison, was the kiss of death. If they roll out Harris again who is 0-2 once in early cut round of primaries and then again when she was installed. I expect a JD Vance victory.
When Biden does anything wrong the left becomes his biggest apologists (Yeah but he is still gonna fry 3 federal prisoners, so there!). He pardons his son, but, but.... Trump and J6!!!!!!!! I wonder when Joe pardons his brother James? Speaking of J6 when he pardons those dumb dumbs and investigate Liz Cheny for witness tampering the lw media will have a field day.
Matt Gaetz is a POS and we can all agree on that. I am still waiting for the Tulsi secret docs that, let me make sure I have this right. Syria has the secret meeting info and now that Assad has fallen we are hoping HTS, (checks notes is a U.S. terror group and the leader Abu Mohammad Al-Julani has a $10 million bounty on his head) is going to supply said docs? Or Asasd in some checkmate is going to smuggle them out of the Kremlin? Putin is garbage and losing power and influence every day.
Trump will not get all of his policies implemented but he will remove millions of illegals. He ran very clearly on that platform and people voted for him to make that happen. D.O.G.E. will be his signature accomplishment.