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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. LOL The New Republic, really? I read the article and did not read ANYWHERE Zinke saidUkraine should give Russia what they want. He did mention Crimea and the fact that Russia would not give it back. That ship sailed when Obama just let them have it. Try harder...... https://www.allsides.com/news-source/new-republic
  2. I am sure we will have a free and happy transition of power. The Hill is a pretty centric news org so was suprised to see they even ran the op-ed. Last thing anyone wants is someone screaming J(add the date) anytime a question is raised.....
  3. Was not pointed at you. CMR loves to tell me I never give him a straight answer so I was hoping he could give me one. Guess not...
  4. He just told me I was too dumb to understand (earlier in the week). I was just checking if he still felt that way or could conjur up an answer.
  5. *Small margin being all swing states and the popular vote.
  6. Still can't give me a straight answer as to why Biden did not grant clemency to all 40 federal death row inmates? Did he and the pointy hat guy in vatican city work out a back door deal?
  7. Always the victim....
  8. Yeah, take a look at the middle east.....
  9. Hmmm
  10. We went from Christmas is a long dead traditional holiday to child labor laws belong in the religion thread.....
  11. Nobody wants to answer that here, we need to shuffle along.
  12. Nothin says Merry Christmas more than calling people Jackass’s! 🎄
  13. Think they will get their explanation?
  14. Just a reminder of how it started lol
  15. That was a corrupt circus, how do you get your whole office disqualified? https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna184921 A Georgia appellate court ruled Thursday that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her entire office are disqualified from prosecuting the case that accuses then-President Donald Trump — who lost the 2020 election — of trying to interfere with our state’s election. At issue was a “personal relationship” that the district attorney eventually admitted that she’d had with Nathan Wade, whom she had assigned as a special prosecutor to the case.
  16. You are in the minority on this subject apparently. Pope Biden has spoken.
  17. Can’t answer yourself? Interesting.
  18. His faith huh? Why didn’t he follow his faith granting clemency to all federal death row inmates? I wonder what faith thinks it is ok to not kill one murder but ok to kill the other?
  19. What’s that parents? Did he grant clemency to all federal death row criminals? No, not all. There were a few that did worse things to other people. What the murderous rapist did to your daughter was determined to be “not that bad”. Hope that gives you the closure you needed during the holidays.
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