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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Could you please expalin why Hunter Bidens pardon goes back to 2014 rather than the time frame of the current charges? I will take my answer off the air.
  2. Evil, evil folks.
  3. Like Biden and the upcoming plethora of pardons he is going to issue. Great comparison.
  4. We have an alpha back at the helm. Where is Biden?
  5. So we are depending on Syrian documents that we don’t posses to discredit her? political activist Jon Cooper folks.
  6. Sounds like sunny days ahead in Syria
  7. Soon to be dragged through the streets…
  8. Islamic jihadist, just the way Tulsi drew up the plan.
  9. Since the VA hospitals are 100% government funded and government employed they could open their doors to Medicaid/Medicare patients, maybe even open more similar hospitals. Everyone here thinks their care is great it would be a win win.
  10. Not if they can go to any hospital in the U.S. That is the plan. You really do think they would end health care for vets don't you lol Bluesky approved LULZ
  11. Example, I have IED frags in my back that resulted in 3 fused discs and 4 metal rods, pew, pew Murica! My city has four hospitals that have spinal specialists that could do my yearly check up to make sure metal frags that could not be removed due to location and risk of paralysis have not moved.. Anyways the local VA does not have a specialists so I have take two days to drive over a 100 miles to another VA have dye injected and stay at gov't provided Motel 6 (illegals get better hotels/motels than F'ing Vets) to make sure things look ok. Such a dumb pain in the ass.....
  12. Love you too hunny.
  13. Vets have been lobbying to close VA hospitals for years. The care sucks donkey balls. Just let us go to an actual hospital and gov't foots the bill. Big win right there.
  14. I am glsd to hear this.
  15. You do you bro,,,,,
  16. Umm he was killed two days ago.....
  17. I have stayed out of it for now. I have a few family members who have made a killing on crypto. To me it is like gambling, I work too hard for my money to gamble it away.
  18. Agreed
  19. I love that for them.
  20. And got pummeled running on "I come from a middle class family". LULZ
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