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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. This really is old news. I am 100% in favor of dismantling the drug cartels. He has promoted it through his whole presidential campaign…. Rolling Stone is now a news source for the left?
  2. Sucks to suck I guess.... Better luck in four years?
  3. Plus 5 million “alleged” former Biden voters decided to stay home this election cycle, amazing.
  4. MS Copilot for the win:
  5. Well they did not learn much from the 80's did they? However, now we have the N Korea, Iran, Afgahn, Russia good ol boys club.
  6. So many American lives wasted. F our government….
  7. All I ever wanted was a Lions team that was not the butt of every joke. Also to play competitive games and be in the mix at the end of the season for a WC spot. Then Shiela showed up....
  8. I support my state laws. I am not going to play your purity games or wait for the Chas gotchya moment.....
  9. I saw them on the D.O.G.E. priority list.
  10. Israel accomplished all of its goals in Lebanon by creating a buffer zone from heavy weapons and dismantled Hezbollah.
  11. Nope, you enjoy it! Indiana abortion rights are fine by me. Notice no limit to life of mother risk. My daughter is one of the Midwest right for life chapter leaders. She will be in DC for the March for life again this year in January just like she has for the past 5 years. Very proud of her and her convictions.
  12. A million abortions wow! So much winning...... Something yall can hang your hats on, nice.
  13. Looking at it again today you might be right. The hit itself was legal as he was still inbounds and not going out. That was what I was saying.
  14. D-mont on the sideline with helmet on.
  15. Lucky to have the lead. Gotta come out and score here.
  16. I lost track of the grifting target. I do see the daily beast broke that story. Same journalist org that broke the FEMA story. Pretty sure I got laughed out of here for posting that source.
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