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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. He also is an elite blocker. That shoots to the top of the Holmes prerequisites.
  2. Ok… I am gonna disengage with this discussion man…
  3. My only point of all of the bathroom talk is because the woman brought the issues up and the woman wanted in the rules added.
  4. He suffers from an extreme form of Autism. The Colts family have embraced him and it is awesome.
  5. Brock Wright from TE U Notre Dame. As a UDFA has had a better career than former college teammate 35th overall pick Michael Mayer.
  6. Cade needs to play better defense and stop turning the ball over. He is on pace for a career high 4.6 TO per game. Love the guy just needs to clean it up. I see the injury is listed as some type hip joint sprain.
  7. Now we are attacking Mission BBQ? What did they do wrong? The grievances never end.
  8. Is Trump trying to use the women’s room? Why all the deflection? This is about a woman standing up for her rights. I am told a baby is not a baby in the womb because, science. Yet a man is not a man because, we will it.
  9. Mace is a rape survivor. I see no one even acknowledges that. Maybe she does not like the idea of a man being in a room without cameras and locking stall doors. A man pretending to be a woman overrides an actual woman’s right to pee with just women.
  10. We are at Trans men should be allowed to go into women’s restrooms because… The Catholics….
  11. Why? Are they not men? A guy turning his wiener inside out is still a man. A woman removing flesh from her arm to make wiener is still a woman.
  12. My logic is the left is out of touch with middle class america. You guys generalize all the time. Remember you lecturing me about how African Americans are mad for all the reasons.. Rob just stated “you people” meaning me, called black people the N word.
  13. Dang republicans…
  14. You opinion it is garbage. Oh wait, our president already called me garbage. Huh, oh well I guess.
  15. I am glad you corrected the errors of your ways, good for you. Do you feel a woman who is a rape survivor or say a 12 year old should be forced to let a man into a the same bathroom as them? You think the man has the right to infringe on the rights of those women?
  16. Yes, no issues at all. The meme was directed at cubicle Rom by the way,
  17. I was just stating a fact. The left wants men to be able to pee in the girls room. Like this is a big issue for them... The right just wants to work, make a living and not have their kids shipped of to war. Change is coming really quick though, buckle up buttercup! 🙂
  18. it still is, the left have the softest hands in the country. Not a calloused hand in the bunch.
  19. My kids school partners with ABC CONSTRUCTION PREP ACADEMY They are all over the country and growing. you go to the school for half a day jr/sr year. They teach you all sorts of trades your Jr year then you intern with a company after a interview process that summer. Sr. year you pick a direction and begin specializing in that direction. . After you graduate you have a full-time job offer and a sigining day like a sports player with your new company and parents. By the time you 22 you can obtain your journeyman license and can work anywhere in the country and it will be accepted. Indiana has a scholarship program so it is no cost to parents This is funded by the trade unions who need young talent to replace the boomers who are retiring. Imagine being 22 debt free and making 50K+ a year.
  20. Where I live we have a few custom shoe stores. My wife being a nurse goes to one that helps source shoes to help with he Planter Fasciitis. Anyways they have a number of different resources to find comapanies that specialize in different fits. The last time they order her three different shoes to try, no upfront money either.
  21. And you wonder why the left has lost the working class.
  22. Translate: We have programs for the dumb kids too.
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