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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. I have been searching for any story related to it. I see nothing but white people telling me black people are probably offended somewhere.
  2. Not sure what racism has to do with court rulings Lee.
  3. I was refferring to the matter that was already settled by the courts.
  4. I have not seen any African American uproar about any of this. Just LW white folks telling people why they should be upset.
  5. I was speaking to the fact that the Penn supreme court (6-2 Dem controlled) ruled they were invalid. Yet they still want ot count them. Shapiro even agrees they need to stop. You agree they should count them I take it? https://www.newsweek.com/pennsylvania-recount-update-shapiro-sides-gop-against-faulty-ballots-1988019
  6. Have you been following Buck and a few other county recounts in Pennsylvania.
  7. Add Stew’s terrible defense on 3’s to that number and you have quite the statistic tonight.
  8. Duren, 21 rebounds in his 21sr birthday.
  9. i never said she should be investigated.
  10. The 12th hour poll she dropped that was dead wrong. Not like other polls are any better but everyone here got all lubed up when she posted it.
  11. MCDC has made it normal to go for it on 4th down. Like everybody knows its coming and can't stop it. The Lions treat it like 3rd down, amaizing.
  12. Exposed and now taking her ball and going home.
  13. They are here too but they don’t work as much with diesel.mainly natural gas tech. I worked with them on a propane project using F-150’s when they partnered with Roush. That went over like a lead balloon.
  14. Ha! It has been that way for 50 years. The problem now is our wonderful government mandated diesel clean tech. However the engineers don’t test real world scenarios and they are now warranting $40k motors on trucks with less then thirty thousand miles on 2024 trucks. Needless to say it is a train wreck.
  15. Nah, I have started a new gig as a consultant for the big three. Working with Ford for a three month rotation currently. They offered us the tickets prolly because of who the lions are paying but I don’t mind. Funny part is we can force pauses on PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) due to engineering mistakes. When I get introduced they ask me where I went to college! I snicker and say you probably never heard of it!
  16. I am in Detroit for the Lions game today, thanks for the free killer tickets FOMOCO! Anyways we were at the Tin Roof watching the fight and when Jones handed Trump the belt the whole bar started chanting USA. Make America happy again.
  17. You spelled his/her/she/it name wrong.
  18. Once @romad1 answers for all his lies I will comment. Until then I owe nobody anything. Maybe Sue can drag him out to answer questions like she did me. That would be cool.
  19. The dead woke part. "We claim to be the party that represents working people, poor people," he told NPR's Morning Edition. "And yet, as you saw in this election, they are moving to the Republicans in droves. I think that is in part because we aren't listening to what is really driving people's emotional center right now." Not a trickle but droves.......
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