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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Daddy ball at its finest!
  2. Listening to NPR on the way in this morning. Interview with Senator Chris Murphy stating that woke is broke lol.
  3. Oh my! How ever did they get the phone number for a public polling center? I hope you guys are taking the appropriate actions.
  4. No approval needed. I think its weird you have to answer for another poster.
  5. Cat got your tongue? Silence speaks volumes.
  6. So, are you ever going to answer for yourself? You said there would be RW violence to sway the election along with Trump faking an assasanation attempt. You tried to back this up with being a credentialed public serveant, remember? I have had to answer to the MTS Nuremburg tribunal more than once. Your pals will probably jump in to save you but I sure would like to hear how you and SS Jersey got that part all wrong.
  7. Is that Nancy P?
  8. I am really good, thanks for asking. Traveling a bunch for my new gig. Been in Chicago working on organic diesel engine tech with the big three engineers. Clean diesel is closer to reality then EV now!
  9. Also you hoping people in a race group in Dearborn get killed for voting for Trump flew right past the Mod's nose last night.
  10. I have no issue being ridiculed. My feelings don't override anyones freedom of speech.
  11. Calling me Hitler, Facist etc is not a persoanl attack, got it.
  12. You spend a lot of time on social media during work hours.
  13. The really sad part was when he was still on the ground not knowing how bad he was hurt fans started a Jared Goff chant....
  14. That is true. The only crisis this time was the media telling everyone to be scared of everything. Still amazes me 10 million literally voted one election cycle then disappeared. Trump voters were virtually unchanged so the left should really wonder how you get those votes back. This would suggest another plague would get them off the couch.
  15. Use google! I have found after upgrading to Windows 11 an app called Copilot, give it a try no ads just information.
  16. I am really happy for those countries. Maybe if you get enough people here to vote for a social democracy we can become one ourselves.
  17. They have very few k-12 religious schools in Michigan. Moslty charter.
  18. My daughter is almost done with college. We only qualified for vouchers her senior year of HS. We paid 8K out of pocket each year for HS and $3500 when she was K-8. My son is in HS and we only pay 2K out of pocket w/voucher covering the rest. We also offer a 403B plan. It used to be for college only, now you can apply it to K-12. We saved like crazy when the kids were young to pay for tuition. I don't think we ate out for six years straight at one point.
  19. You won't be moving to Indiana, gotchya.
  20. DOE created in 1980 U.S. was ranked top 3 education system in the world. I wonder what we rank now? I will take my answer off the air.
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