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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. 2016 3.65 2019 4.13 22 6.34 23 5.50 24 6.30
  2. So everyone that votes for Trump is a racist natzi? Seriously, there will be millions that do, what happens when it is a peaceful transistion of power to Harris. Will society accept it and move on? Will the left look at at RW folks as less than americans? I want nothing but peace and prosperity for all americans, I am not sure we will ever get back to that.
  3. All I can say for sure is Harris has been in office for four years. If everything was milk and honey why is Trump even have a shot at winning. Looking at the polls for what thats worth it is a pretty close race, why though?
  4. People ask why Trump is making this race even close are also shruggin off the economy as a factor.
  5. Who controls interests rates? 2.5% Mortgage jumped to 6.5% in four years. What business can I blame that on?
  6. Quick google check. In August 2024, wages grew by 4.6% while inflation was 2.5%. However, median real wages, which are wages adjusted for inflation, have only grown by 0.8% over the past year
  7. No, but first time home buyers are still shut out of the market. They are also forced to pay way more in rent, not just young folks but everybody. Payroll increases have not come close to keeping up with cost of living.
  8. I get that and there a few huge companies striking like Boeing add that the two hurricanes it skews the number. To say inflation is under control with interests rates still high and buying/renting costing more today than 4 years ago I think we have a ways to go.
  9. It is? I had no idea inflation was fixed alrready. You also have no problem with cooking the books month to month? I bet you a diet coke that the October numbers will be downgraded even more by next month.
  10. Most folks here wear horse blinders unless it makes their argument look legit.
  11. Yeah i hope they threw out the cleats they used in that awful Panthers game lol.
  12. Yeah but, Hurricanes..............
  13. Plus add gov't fudging the numbers all year. They have not got a month right for a long while now. Nothing to see here. The weak October report also included substantial downward revisions from previous months. August was cut to just a gain of 78,000 while September’s initial estimate came down to 223,000. Together, the net revisions lowered previously reported job creation totals by 112,000.
  14. The October jobs report is miserable. I hope whoever is president next week figures out how to correct it. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/01/us-jobs-report-october-2024.html
  15. Funny you say that! I have been vacationing in Belize the last few weeks. All the little tourist shops are full of Trump swag. Every one of them have giant flag versions of these for sale.
  16. Is that a garbage truck he is sitting in? Lol
  17. I agree with this. I did not read the article so maybe someone could answer this. Did the article state that there was a permitted person in the vehicle? To me that is the key to the whole thing. If I get pulled over w/o a driver's license but another occupant has a valid license it is the cop's discretion to allow that person to drive and give me a warning. If I was a **** and not cooperate then he could choose to tow it and take me to jail.
  18. Gun laws are so different state to state. Indiana, you can conceal carry, chambered with no permit required as long as you are not a felon and 18.
  19. Terrible pick by the Colts. But living in Indiana, I am so happy for them.
  20. No pic till win. @Deleterious thanks for the pickup on the last game. You know this could be all yours. Lots of perks.
  21. Hearing not that bad after all, day to day.
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