The left has been aching for political violence. Praying for a spark to explode. Now, the 12th round push to make Trump Hitler. I am sure this old, probably paid actor has no idea what he is talking about.
That seems pretty safe. You already obtained a DL which I assume required documentation to obtain. It delivers to the same addess as DL states. That would take a lot of work waiting at one persons mail box to steal their ballot and send it back.
Not gonna deep dive with you, sorry. As long as it is a state issue not much will change due to different requirments. Make it federal like SSN would be the best path.
Remember, I am the non-college educated evil american who wants to end freedom for all. I am 47 and lived in Michigan and Indiana all my life yet I have never heard of any protest to change our current voter ID laws because they are too hard. I personally have never met anyone who has been victimized by the law either. Thats all I got.
Is an official review called in College different than NFL? Seems like you see a lot more reviews on these types of plays in college and they usually get it right.
Company eliminated cost and stayed profitable. However, most McDonalds in my area close the lobby and operate drive-through only due to not enough employees. I was in Louisville for my Son's travel ball tournment last weekend. The kids had to stand in the drive-through line to order and eat on the curb. It is what it is.