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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. My grandpa had a K-98 Mauser bayonet with a swastika emblem on the handle he broght back from WWII. I took it to school as part of my 5th grade WWII report. My teacher asked if we could display it in the trophy style case at the entrance of school along with other WWII artifacts kids brought in including a Nazi flag. It sat on display for about a month. This was Westlake elementary school in Battle Creek, MI. No one got upset and it was part of learning about our history. This was the 1980's now people would rather hide history and be offended.
  2. Look at all this giving away! How dare he….
  3. Derp, like in a classroom studying WWII or Civil war maybe a history report lol.
  4. I was always a big fan of Carville and he nails it here. Dems with so many swings and misses.
  5. The rats are scurrying.
  6. I am old enough to remember when Biden traded Brittney Griner for Victor Bout with the cute nickname "Merchant of Death". The knee slapper is that Marc Fogel was there before Brittney and charged with the same crime. Biden did not even list him as wrongfully imprisoned until 2024 long after being arrested in 2021.
  7. RFK Confirmed and Patel advances to full vote.
  8. Voluntary resignation. Keep up.
  9. RFK passe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_D._Bates https://hopeforchildrenfund.org/board-of-directors
  10. Obama gave Russia Crimea and did zero to stop them.
  11. More failure to recuse and corruption.
  12. Gabbard confirmed! Now get Kash in there!
  13. I wonder if he will recuse himself. 🤔
  14. 2.9 in December ot 3.0 in January correct? so .10%? This is also tracking a four month trend upward. It did not start on 1/20/25 lol
  15. Yes actually. From investing thread: The Labor Department on Wednesday reported that consumer prices in January rose 3% from a year earlier. That marked a pickup from December, when prices rose 2.9% from a year earlier.
  16. Caution, ear worm! 😂
  17. Since you guys are nerding out in here. Trump and America dodged bullets last year…..
  18. Biggest halftime lead in Pistons history!!!
  19. This is insanity. Some how the Bulls will pull within 5 with three minutes left. 😂
  20. In my area Amazon has gone almost exclusively to EV vans. The key is understanding range capabilities. Delivery routes are perfect for projecting range.
  21. It was a vote grab. Like you said he is a career politician who knew there was no way it would get through. Just like he never tried securing the border. Look what Trump has done in a matter of weeks. Biden had just as much power to do it this way but chose to leave the doors and the windows open.
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