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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Dang MAGA mouth breathing J6’ers are at it again. I wish someone would silence them.
  2. Comerica Park - Detroit, MI Game Time Forecast: 84 Sunny Listen: 97.1 The Ticket Watch: Ballty Sports Det Starters: RHP Michael Wacha ?
  3. I know you are trolling. No one would put you in charge of 3 year old birthday party. Just fun to state the obvious.
  4. Harris refuses Fox debate. I guess we won’t have to watch the bicker after all.
  5. Bob Chase he was a legend here as well.
  6. That’s awesome I saw he has been the PBP guy since 1975 and never missed a single game. He lived his best life.
  7. I wonder how this screening process went LULZ Post in zero sports rooms: Check Has long going bickering matches with multiple posters: Check Will drag a thread 2-3 pages to make a point or want you to aplogize: Check We are a small community and not sure the reasoning we NEEDED another Mod but I would watch for this dude to weaponize it.
  8. In case you missed it last night and judging by the attendance you did. This was the most exciting part of the game.
  9. I watched a good Netflix movie, Land of Bad. Russell Crowe and Milo Ventimiglia (Jack, This is Us). If you like a modern war style movie it has great camera angles and fun watch. Crowe is a Predator drone rated pilot and Milo is ground operartor.
  10. LOL commence the clown show. LOLZZZZ Deputized!
  11. Comerica Park - Detroit, MI Game Time Forecast: 85 Sunny Listen: 97.1 The Ticket Watch: Bally Sports Det Starters: RHP Micheal Lorenzen Nobody Knows
  12. Thankfully this came on a Friday. It would be a wise to sure up your high risk investments this weekend.
  13. Like nobody saw this coming. I locked my rate as many others did into a 30y mortgage at 2.5. NOBODY is going to go to market with 6+ prevailing rates.
  14. After intense pressure of the asinine deals.
  15. How was the shooter able to fly a drone over the rally area the day of the Assignation attempt.?
  16. Do you finally admit you are wrong about SS drone use? They chose not to use them at trump rally. The really dark part was the link for SS testimony this week. Here it is again so you can read his actual words. https://www.secretservice.gov/newsroom/releases/2024/07/testimony-acting-director-ronald-l-rowe-jr-senate-judiciary-committee-and
  17. The cube life might fall into this category bro. Keep you eyes peeled and report it to the proper authorities. Stay vigilant!
  18. To qualify with iron sites in Military: In order to qualify, you must hit at least 23 out of 40 pop-up targets at ranges varying from 5 meters to 300 meters (approximately 80 to 327 yards). SS did not secure even a 160 yard perimeter. Now you want to worry about a super sniper? LOL
  19. Wrong The US Secret Service plans to increase its use of surveillance drones following the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump, the agency's acting director said Friday. They just have to request clearance from FAA It is clear to me that other protective enhancements could have strengthened our security at the Butler event. As such, I have directed the expanded use of Unmanned Aerial Systems, commonly referred to as drones, at protective sites to help detect threats on roofs and other elevated areas. I have also directed resources to facilitate our protective site communications—particularly our communications with our State and local partners where a delay, of even a few seconds in communication, can make the difference in life and death. These resources will provide enhanced radio interoperability and common operating picture communications that were not present in Butler. https://www.secretservice.gov/newsroom/releases/2024/07/testimony-acting-director-ronald-l-rowe-jr-senate-judiciary-committee-and SS Jersey feeding you bad intel.
  20. Especially ones with slopped roofs. Double whammie for sure.
  21. Tell Jersey Mike I said hi the next time you see him at the water cooler.
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