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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. He is NABJ member could he speak for some?
  2. I others word let me tell him he is a dumb dumb a few more times. Lol
  3. I sure don’t. Does the media take a who was offended poll before they run with a story? I posted Tariq’s post as a counterpoint. Is he a crazy trumper?if he is please show me.
  4. We can’t debate? You said I am dumb because I didn’t go to college. Help make me smarter.
  5. My point being maybe African Americans might not like that she is called Indian American when it helps her in some way. But Black when it helps another way. She will be called the first African American woman president right? Not saying black should or will vote for Trump but they feel used.
  6. So AP did not contradict themselves?
  7. Funny how all the white people here know how all the black people feel.
  8. I bet it was USSS Jersey guy.
  9. I know everything I post is crazy rw propaganda.
  10. Dang G that almost happened to him a few weeks ago. Cold man lol
  11. Weird But soon to be replaced by the drunk guy so I hear.
  12. Very true and a positive sign.
  13. You gotta take out all of Hamas to kill the plague. Iran is also showing how easy it is to penetrate whatever security they have.
  14. Another puke off the planet. #teamisrael Israel coming....
  15. I hit return before I could finish my thought. Old guy fingers.
  16. Sorry, you are correct. Wrong thread. I am glad Ukraine won a medal and really glad Russia can't compete.
  17. Somebody said Threads was suppose to be the next big thing. Not sure who that was.
  18. MMA seems more popular and safe? Boxing was great back in the day though.
  19. More less positive Olympic news. it’s now sporting to beat a woman.
  20. I certainly respect your opnion.
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