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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Yes some have. Many are not.
  2. This team is fun to watch.
  3. It was found to be unconstitutional by the SC. Nothing Trump did has risen to that level yet. The left are still marching in the streets like SC was ignored.
  4. How did the other way work out for him?
  5. I am so glad our last president listened to the courts. Derp
  6. The same folks marching in the streets today? 🍿
  7. Love it. Another W for Pete!
  8. More worried about taking care of illegals than our own people especially in the southeast. Shut FEMA down and give the money directly to the states. Bye Felicia.
  9. A poster asking himself a questions seems a little unraveled IMHO.
  10. Cry a little more but still a lie.
  11. It is a total lie. Has nothing to do with Trump. Just a plain lie.
  12. LOL total lie.... Keep trying tho.
  13. The left loves to judge how women look and at the same time can't agree on what a woman is.
  14. Just one morons opinion is all I can offer.
  15. I am a civilian now. The system is too big, keep it but strip it down. The great reset.
  16. I fully support the stripping down of the federal government. Just like the poll of Trumps approval ratings so do the majority of Americans.
  17. Being that old you may find some cool, possibly vaulable coins in there. Would be a good treasure hunt anyways. https://www.coinvaluechecker.com/
  18. We are going Kelly Stafford today...... Good thing she did not have any kids to boo.
  19. So there was no commercial after all. But us veterans were used like agent orange or burn pits by the left…. On par with them yet again.
  20. Libs crying about how Musk spends his money and throwing vets in as baggage… The disconnection is amazing. But but veterans lol.
  21. Back when it was patriotic to love America.
  22. Time flies when your not in charge..
  23. Make it make sense lol.
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