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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Yeah I could never be a govt cubicle guy for sure. I did work for GM building Silverados fresh out of the service what a joke the UAW is. My first week I am busting my ass mounting wheels and tires. I am car guy and worked at a tire shop in high school so I was busting out 30 or so an hour. The union steward came up to me after three or four days and said hey man you gotta slow down. I was like what? He said you are doubling our quota per hour. I am like that’s good right? He said no you are pissing everybody off because they will be expected to work harder. I said F those guys loudly. I got followed into the bathroom by three pukes trying to intimidate me. I back them into a corner and said try me. I started a business with my buddy a month later and never looked back. F the UAW. I go into plants all the time now and just laugh to myself when I see the same ****.
  2. Taxes go up. Next election cycle someone promises change they go down. How it has always been.
  3. That was a weird story.
  4. How much did the middle class tax increase when Trump was in office last time? I really have no clue. I don’t remember seeing my paycheck drastically change.
  5. Dude I actually has some bangers.
  6. 100% in fact:
  7. Good for you I respect that. Millions of Americans will vote for Trump. I am one vote. In America we get to freely think and say what we want, it’s still beautiful to me. If the world ends when/if Trump gets elected I will leave my baseball cards to you. That’s how much I like debating with you.
  8. Harris has done nothing in her career that makes me want to vote for her. The election was not stolen. Taxes will continue to go up no matter who is elected don’t let anybody fool you there. Trump kept us out of new wars and I was glad we didn’t ship more young men off to die. He was only president for 4 years.
  9. I trust Harris less to represent me.
  10. Remember Hamas ain’t coming.
  11. lol the guy pounding the drum for Biden until the day he quit accusing me of flipping. Remember all the times you said Harris was a terrible candidate? Also went radio silence on Hamas at almost the same time.
  12. Counter point: I don’t think as many Americans as you guys think are in favor of term limits for the SC.
  13. I see your weird and raise you weirder.
  14. Why does his voice not count? He represents the people that elected him. Many of those Americans have roots to Cuba, Venezuela and various oppressive countries. Not everyone wants to upend the SC believe it or not. Why do I have to find a better post? Is this a twitter parody account lol.
  15. Harris needs Miami Dade county to flip Florida. Pretty bad timing by Biden coming out with the SC shakeup idea right after what happened last night in Venezuela.
  16. Bad managers are everywhere. My philosphy is the manager works for the employee. If they fail that means I have failed them buy not giving them the tools to succeed. Now if you are constantly late, calling in sick then that is on you. I am in the process of moving into a consultant role with the big three focusing on diesel technology. Not bad for a kid who never went to college. LOL I tell my kids read books! You don't know about something read read read!
  17. Hi, chaz since you slithered into the convo. I have been an operations manager for 20 years. I have hired and fired hundreds of employees. Currently have employees in Detroit, Ft Wayne and Fort Worth. I hit all three location bi-monthly. I do quarterly reviews with all my employees. I can see a bad performer from a mile away.
  18. Hamas starts war with Israel, Trumps fault. Russia Invades Ukraine, Trumps fault. Biden trusts a dictator to do the right thing, Trumps fault. China and Russia hold joint military exercices miles away from Alaska, Trumps fault.
  19. It is amazing that we are at the end of Bidens 4 year term and everything is still Trumps fault. I really wish I could take a job, then after four years just turn around and say none of it was my fault I couldn't fix it. So blame tha last guy. We wonder why people not just MAGA feel like we were better off four years ago and are going to hold their nose and vote for him.
  20. So biden trusted Maduro because people whined about gas prices instead of going to an Ally to find more oil. That rolls back into if I trust Trump? Was he the oil broker or something?
  21. LOL cool.
  22. Yeah and? Ever been through a bad performance review at your job?
  23. Why did we feel we could ever trust him?
  24. Just when Harvey starts getting hot. Hope he and is family are OK.
  25. A nothing burger that will go nowhere. But, he can have it as his legacy the he tried or something.
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