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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. I wonder why Biden thought it was a good idea to remove sanctions when they did? And them reinstate them? All that did was give Maduro to seel enough oil help his regime hold on?
  2. It was 40 plus years ago but thanks. Outside of sanctions what recourse do we have to remove Maduro?
  3. A cabin in the Smoky Mountains is my goal.
  4. My grandparents were snow birds. They would pull their 5th wheel down in November and return to Michigan in late April. That is the only way to live in Florida, not a fan of swamp butt.....
  5. And never walking the statement back. Meh, they were Trumpys.
  6. My cousin was a marine who was killed in Beruit. That deff did not work.
  7. So what options do we have outside of sanction to remove this disctorship?
  8. My point being the Villages have 80K residents. It is a haven for northern conservatives to retire. The golf cart armada probably does not represent most folks there.
  9. Pretty sure Trump had placed the toughest possible sanctions on Venezuela.
  10. I wonder what administration thought it was a good idea to lift sanctions on Venezuela?
  11. A bunch of rich old white boomers. If that doesn't spell energy than I need a nap!
  12. Comirica Park - Detroit, MI Game Time Forecast: 82 Partly Cloudy Listen: 97.1 The Ticket Watch: Bally Sports Det Starters: RHP Tanner Bibee RHP Jack Flaherty
  13. It’s all good nobody meant ill will. We will just get back talking through our issues. Cat ladies and sofa lovers they all have a place in our heart.
  14. First test of the Harris era if he won’t concede that is.
  15. According to MILB he is heading to Erie.
  16. I was speaking to him as a politician. The boy is good. He got meat stuck on scar tissue from when he had surgery as a 3 day old being born with a esophageal fistula.
  17. Hmmm not what we were hopping for.
  18. If we get a bag of balls back I will be happy.
  19. Exactly. Show me something Harris did as VP other than being the failed border Czar.
  20. Hi Lacey. In 2016 my son’s esophagus ruptured and I spent September- December driving back and forth to Riley’s Children Hospital in Indianapolis and lost track of things and did not vote. If I had voted. I was not a fan of Bill Clinton and voting for Hilary felt like just voting for Bill again. Trump was an unknown and I was not ready to vote for him. So I guess I abstained my vote that cycle.
  21. So it’s just another attempt to frame Christians as mouth breathing Putin supporters.
  22. Oh boy… I assume that is directed at me. Can you show me one receipt where I support Russia? Did the USSS guy from Jersey tell you that?
  23. I have never been there either. I hope the hundreds of door knockers are prepared to be ran off the property of white supremacist…. According to the link you posted.
  24. So people of color aren’t welcomed there today? Why don’t we see them in the video? Why would we highlight a county full of white supremacist? So confused….
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