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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. I don’t get it either.
  2. Falling on deaf ears here. This group have probably never worked labor related job in their life. I do work in the energy field and linemen that show up on what we call storm duty after a natural disaster live in their work trucks for weeks on end. Exposed to brutal heat/cold and dangerous live wire situations. 2024 diesel trucks and newer are set thanks to the EPA to shutoff after 10 minutes of idling. So after 16 hours of work 4 guys cram into a quad cab and try to sleep for a few hours either freezing or sweating. Then they get back out there and do it for 16 more hours.
  3. Deflection, deflection…
  4. A lot to unpack there. But you are saying since Trump asked for extra protection, instead she gave him even less protection and created a lane for someone to take a free shot on the only building with high ground? Sounds pretty orchestrated when you frame it like that. Then you called Harris a “Negress”? Not sure I would be the first one in line to buy one of your books.
  5. I mean if we are judging this scenario on annoying laughs then I would be less annoyed.
  6. That’s true. The tweeter Carl brought up the restaurant scenario though.
  7. Something we can all agree is great to see.
  8. From the comment section and he is not wrong.
  9. So she didn’t know the RNC had a convention planned? Also didn’t know the republican nominee would be on the campaign trail? Your USSS pals told you this? Hamas are a bunch of Negros now? Did the USSS guys tell you that too?
  10. Snort! Which is EXACTLY what our now former Secret Service director was doing! 🤣
  11. Speaking of our fearless leader. Does that white house have bed bugs or something?
  12. I will wait for you to give us your cubicle gov't employee dissertation.
  13. You are so welcome!
  14. All the mentioned above are entertainers. Did somebody think they are some kind of reporters?
  15. Yes sir, non maga repubs will never move to supporting abortion. However most will agree that rape, incest and other evil like that SHOULD be allowed to abort. That parts is common sense.
  16. But when Hamas is coming we shrug our shoulders and move on.
  17. Well said MC I get that.
  18. Hey @pfife in regards to you religion questions.
  19. Again, so confused voting for Biden is bashing religion?
  20. They are the same person? So confused...
  21. Wait wut? You flopped in 2 minutes?
  22. You wrote Harris in when you voted for Biden? I am happy for you.
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