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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Also the Bill of Rights in the Bible? Thats a first for me. He probably added/changed verbage to claim how your president is next to God or some hog wash.
  2. Definitely not my guy. I hope to know the other guy/gal we are suppose to vote for soon.
  3. Since our government remains silent. People will continue to draw their own conclusions. Pretty good breakdown using software and geometry.
  4. I also see this is MLB free game of the day.
  5. Just showing folks what you hitch your wagon to with Mitt. I like Mitt I like Hawley.
  6. This, if you claim to be a Christain this is what it means. Anything else is false teaching.
  7. Rogers Centre Toronto, ON Listen: 97.1 The Ticket Watch: Bally Sports Det Starters: RHP Resse Olson LHP Yusei Kikuchi
  8. To build on that a little more. Mormons are huge 2nd amendment advocates. You gotta remember most Americans in the 1800’s viewed Mormonism as a cult (many still do). They were chased off everywhere they went. (Look up 1838 Mormon war as one example). They have vowed to be ready to fight the US gov’t again if ever provoked. My niece and nephews had to be able to strip and reassemble in AR15 for Sunday school when they were 12 kind of a right of passage thing. They are the gun culture.
  9. No the reason America is terrible is because of right wing Christians. It has been mentioned more than once in this forum.
  10. I mean this is not the religion thread but Christians follow the Old and the New Testament. The Mormons follow the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. They claim to be Christians but Theologians don’t consider them that. My brother is Mormon and my nephew is finishing his 1st year of his 2 year mission operating in Provo Utah. You can’t talk to family during this time. Once you complete your mission you are required to return home and prepare for the Great War by stock piling ammo and food to last a minimum of six months. My brother has already purchased all of this for him just like he did for his older son.
  11. One believes Jesus visited the Indians and that you get your own planet if you baptize all of your ancestors. They also wear magic underwear (seriously look it up). The other guy is not wearing a mask. Our president didn’t wear a mask after telling the world that he had COVID 19.just a few days ago. He definitely didn’t have the double mask but it looks tough to breath.
  12. Agreed. How many days does the FBI, SS need to brief everyone as to what went wrong? Instead rumors swirl.
  13. Why not Hawley then?
  14. Why is Hawley not under indictment then? I am told there is tons of evidence he should be.
  15. What about Bob Menendez? I thought only RW had slimy Senators? Has Hawley been indicted for anything? Why not then? Repubs are the minority correct? Republicans won 222 seats to 213 for Democrats, though one elected Democrat has since died, leaving Democrats with 212 seats. Democrats still control the Senate — with 51 votes instead of last term's 50 plus the tie-breaking Vice President Harris.
  16. Yet he refused to mask up around his staff and SS detail.
  17. Wheere is Biden? He still getting spoon fed soup for his cold?
  18. Prolly means he gets relected right? You ever watch him grill Judicial nominees? He is a bulldog.
  19. I will out last Cheatle and Biden!
  20. Bring the spicy heat Ben! I like hot sauce!
  21. I live too boring of a life to leave. Politics sre fun, look multiple pages of how wrong I am! My wife does not have even have that stanima!
  22. I like our relationship much better when we agreed about the Hamasholes and genocide. Maybe we can get there after the election.
  23. Smelling blood I know chief!
  24. How is he still in office after all these years? Why not remove him?
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