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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. They are both felons.
  2. These are all from after testing Positive.
  3. Once again I don't see how Dems melting down will hurt Trump? They will be dancing in the streets and firing off their AR style (Media term) guns.
  4. Weird how Biden didn't wear a mask last night once he tested positive for COVID. I guess that is good news for the rest of us. Could just be one of those do as i say not as I do things. Having a well groomed beard I hated wearing masks during Covid era.
  5. The security halo that did not include the only high ground 480' from the stage with clear shot to stage. Like I said probably a big nothing burger.
  6. Here is one you like better. Biden is his own worst enemy. He does enjoy being with children.
  7. BLK.N (Blackrock) was the purchaser. Shooter has relationship BEFORE Saturday. All these coincidences and no dots to connect. SS lets him waltz right in with a ladder, long rifle, range finder. Yeah we should all move on and shrug our shoulders. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/blackrock-says-suspect-trump-rally-appeared-2022-ad-2024-07-15/
  8. Cool, the stock transaction actually occured tho. Got any leads or evidence that Trump hired the shooter to shoot his ear off? Love to see it!
  9. It has more legs than your "Trump conspired to shoot his own head/ear off". Do you know how short selling even works? I bet it was justa coincidence nothing to investigate here.
  10. Got it. You know better than most after all.
  11. We live in the era of gaffs. I thought you knew?
  12. This might have some legs. It is really weird that Crooks (shooter) was in that Blackrock commercial.
  13. You think Cheatle still has a job when DNC convention starts?
  14. I don’t think that hits so hard when dude took a .233 round to the ear three days ago. Him and Biden both get old guy passes This week. 🙂
  15. Wouldn’t it cause legal bickering over who could even be named the new nominee? Add that with the assassination debacle all in one week?
  16. Basically Biden has forgotten and Trump promises to bring him home.
  17. Sorry for the play by play but I doubt anyone here is watching so just passing it along. Now there are parents of Hamas hostages speaking. More Biden rage.
  18. That part is not getting retweeted tho.
  19. That would do nothing but help Trump.
  20. Dang there is a bunch of gold star familes being honored tonight that were killed during Afghan pull out. They are lambasting Biden. Moms Dads and wives. Powerful stuff, not a dry eye in the house.
  21. Yeah he needs his handlers and Paxlovid tonight.
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