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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. The Duran Cade connection is pretty special.
  2. Tied most in quarter in his career.
  3. I just pop in to see how the left’s meltdown is going. Carry on….
  4. I noticed my teenger listening to this the other day and so I plugged it into my playlist for the gym. Pretty powerful song and even kinda brings a tear to this gruff old eye.
  5. Folks I will stop posting in here. It is all yours! I always try to give the other side prospective and try to be respectful to everyone. I see no desire for it and now actual hate from admins all the way down. I wish everyone well and will see you in in the sports forums.
  6. Stay out of their way, the left have some celebrating to do or something, wow....
  7. Right in par. Enjoy foaming over the dead.
  8. They are literally cheering for it.
  9. I knew coming here I would see you guys politicizing this disaster even before they pulled all of the bodies out of the Potomac. You did not disappoint, sick.
  10. So Trump did not shut off any public funding. The left just wanted it to be true so bad…
  11. Grievance of the day. On repeat even.....
  12. She is on the ground with them. America is so back.
  13. But the pardon had nothing to do with why he was killed. The LW media headlines would lead you to believe otherwise.
  14. Excellent nomination. Received a number of Democrat votes as well.
  15. He was released from prison after a 6 months sentence last July. Derp
  16. He ran that whole Columbia deal yesterday from the golf course too lol.
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