College is such a scam these days. Society says you will be a failure unless you attened a four year school. Not only do you walk away with huge student loan chances are you will not use your degree for your career. How many classes are you forced to take that have zero impact on your degree of study?
Trade schools have a much lower cost. My kids HS offers an apprenticeship that you start as a Jr. and graduate with a Ass. degree with ZERO debt. His buddy who he plays baseball with is a senior and already has a job lined up in June working with Plumbers Steam Fitters Union starting pay? 27.50 an hour day 1 out of HS. We met with the director of this program and they said there are over 100 open positions just in this area for that exact job.
My wife, a nurse got her bachelor's degree and her hospital reimbursed schooling costs, she had to stay there for three years to qualify after graduating but paid in full. She is now licensed to work in any ICU in the world. Go to college get a degree but make sure there is a market for your talents.