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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. Worse: When one of the choices is an existential choice to the detriment of the country... Let's call him Hugo Chavez... or Nicholas Maduro... Then... This comes into play: There are those who disagree with this sentiment. But I agree with it... if the choice is ANY Democrat (you can put any name in this box, I don't care...); then the choice is NOT only binary, but a matter of survival. Do you vote for Chavez/ Maduro/ Trump, threatening the future of the country? Vote 3rd party? Stay at home in a stew over choices? All three are the same thing: a vote AGAINST democracy and the Constitution of the United States. YMMV. But I maintain that Election 2024 is an existential vote for democracy in the United States of America.
  2. FYI (just in case anyone is interested...); do protesters have a case that Israel is committing "war crimes"? No, no they don't. From an Urban War expert (military and international law) at West Point (an opinion but, still... with legal basis for such): https://www.yahoo.com/news/opinion-m-expert-urban-warfare-113717094.html
  3. Lee... Are you certain this guy would not be an existential threat against American democracy and freedoms?
  4. Bingo. And not in a good way. Not to be over the top, but I have viscerally reviled Trump for over 40+ years. The worst human scumbag on the planet. I loathe this fascist (since 1989 (Tiananmen Square): "I HATE American democracy... we should be more like CHEYE-NA and use tanks on protesters!!!") ****wad. Not to be over the top...
  5. I would certainly hope for this... But I don't want Trump anywhere NEAR the Presidency because next time, he'll figure out how to actually overthrow the Constitution. I still say we were the width of a Mike Pence ethical hair away from losing our Democracy. If he would've thrown it back to Congress per Trump's demand... who knows what would have happened after that...? But I would certainly have hoped for your take on the inevitable...
  6. To be more blunt about this: ONE PERSON prevented Trump from OVERTHROWING the Constitution on Jan 6th. Mike Pence.
  7. It WAS almost overthrown. Not by the Jan 6th crowd, who threatened violence unless Congress did Trump's bidding. But by Mike Pence. All he had to do was acquiesce to Trump's demand to throw it back to Congress as "invalid" electors. And then votes, one per state, with more Republican states at that time, would have handed it to Trump. Constitution overthrown. Trump called for the Jan 6th coup attempt specifically to threaten Pence because Pence refused to overthrow the Constitution. If you want to look for a hero in this story, it's Mike Pence.
  8. Trump doesn't give an F about civil service laws. Hyperbole? Hey, aren't there LAWS on the books stating that a President can not enrich himself while in office? Amongst a hundred other laws that Trump just **** on? No, not hyperbole... reality. Trump will overthrow the rule of law in the US, and overthrow the Constitution. Book it.
  9. This is the best case scenario for Election-2024. On the Republican side that is... I don't know what the Dems best case for 2024 is... I'm voting Dem regardless of who the candidate is so it doesn't matter to me "who" that is. Not until Republicans purge the MAGA/ Fascist Caucus (which WON'T be in 2024); until them I consider them an existential threat to my right to vote as a US Citizen and not have my vote tossed out in a fascist move to overthrow my vote, my right to live my life how I want to without Republican Morality Police interfering, etc. Republicans no longer exist in my book.
  10. Just to be more specific: Trump will PURGE the US Military of ALL officers who do NOT sign a loyalty pledge directly to him. And the same with every other governmental employee he can get his hands on. You guys know this, right?
  11. Thousands and THOUSANDS of government employees will lose their jobs. He will replace them with boot-licking sycophants. NOONE will be able to get ANY job, NOT in the US Military, Department of (anything), or anywhere where he has a say without FIRST signing a pledge to be strictly loyal to Donald MF'ing Trump and **** the oath to protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic. The NEW pledge will be: "to protect Donald J. Trump against all enemies, foreign or domestic." You guys know this, right?
  12. Is that like... You know... Just like what happened in... Russia?
  13. This is the BEST-CASE scenario if we have Trump 2.0. This... or worse. Like... The National Guard and the US Military used to ENFORCE his dictates. How about that one? It goes downhill from this BEST-case scenario that Ratko outlined...
  14. This is the answer on his first presidency. But he's not as stupid as you think. He browbeat everyone around him, Congressional and Senate Republicans, state Republican apparatchiks into supporting his bull**** lie, AND ALMOST PULLED IT OFF!!! He ALMOST overthrew our Constitution!!! In 2020!!! We came a Pence-ethics hair away from HAVING our Democracy OVERTHROWN by this Fascists ****. And now, he actually knows what he's doing! Tell me how we are NOT going to be Authoritarian if Trump wins 2024? Feckless Republicans will stop him? No. MAGA Republicans in Congress and Senate will stop him? No. They SUPPORT him. MAGA, right now, and MAGA Congress and MAGA Senators & Governors and MAGA state party voters and party apparatchiks want the CONSTITUTION OVERTHROWN, right now. They want Trump as a dictator, and Trump WANTS to be dictator... so badly! But they're not saying the quiet part out loud. Not yet anyways. So tell me, how are we NOT going to be a dictatorship once Trump wins. Who is going to stop him?
  15. We ABSOLUTELY become an authoritarian country if Trump wins. He will BURN this country DOWN to the ground. He just doesn't give a **** about anything aside from himself. And MAGA is willing to do anything required to give him the keys to the car. THEY will burn this country down to the ground because THEY don't give a **** about anything aside from themselves anymore.
  16. Media: Trump declines Zelensky's invite to Ukraine over 'conflict of interests' https://www.yahoo.com/news/media-trump-declines-zelenskys-invite-220021806.html Of course he's blowing off Ukraine because of a conflict of interest... LICKING VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BOOTS on a DAILY BASIS in the hopes of obtaining a TRUMP TOWER MOSCOW and a TRUMP TOWER ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA... is definitely a conflict of interest. "Nightmare scenario": Legal scholars alarmed over Trump's "plot to abuse his power" for revenge https://www.yahoo.com/news/nightmare-scenario-legal-scholars-alarmed-210504076.html And MAGA Fascist Scumbags don't give a **** about this. In fact, they WANT it, and are ENCOURAGING it.
  17. Required Daily Reading... or you have to spend 10 days in jail and a $10K fine (once Republican Theo-Fascists have placed Dictator Trump back in control)... Also, all non-Christians including pagans, atheists, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists will be required to convert to Christianity (any denomination will do...) or they will be burned alive at the stake FYI: https://www.dailyscripture.net/daily-meditation/ https://www.americanbible.org/resources/daily-bible-reading/ https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading This ALSO will be monitored by Covenant EYES so you better start reading right now...
  18. The GOP is all about lining their own pockets in any way that they possibly can (and staying in power in order to do so) and **** everybody else, **** the budget, **** balancing the budget, **** the country, **** Democracy, **** the truth, **** Social Security, **** freedom and free will, **** the Constitution of the United States... As long as they can stay in power, no matter the cost (in lies/ fascism/ or otherwise), tell everyone how they are required to live their lives (according to their Bible readings), and line their pockets with tax cuts that benefit only them... They good.
  19. It already did. In 2020.
  20. Democrats will be all too eager to: 1) Increase the social security income-level taxation amount from wherever it is right now ($125K, or is that an old #?), up to... unlimited would be great but Republicans won't go for that. That resolves funding for social security. If we did indeed have unlimited income-levels, we could actually REDUCE the ss tax RATE which would lower taxes for lower and middle incomes and increase ss taxes ONLY for those above the new breakeven line of the new tax rate/ income-level that matched the old tax rate/ max income level of $125K. 2) Increase min business tax rate from 21% to 24% (the 24% rate is what chambers of commerce REQUESTED in the 2017 tax cuts but for whatever reason Trump-alone demanded it at 21%...). Also, a minimum annual rate of 15% REGARDLESS of prior year loss carry-forwards, etc... They will agree to cutting spending elsewhere if they get these as part of the balanced budget deal. 3) Reduction in Inheritance Tax limits (IE: from $12 mill+ subject to inheritance tax down to $5 mill+ subject to inheritance tax...), as an offset to increased State and Local Tax limits. Etc... They'll bargain. Yes, they'll try to protect as much social spending as they can but... if you mix tax increases with spending cuts that gets bipartisan backing... They'll buy into it.
  21. Trump's big payback: The plot for MAGA's revenge should scare voters straight https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-big-payback-plot-magas-140001797.html
  22. They wouldn't. I know these things...
  23. I came from a blue collar family that didn't prize education at all. I was the first to get a college degree. Isn't that true of most Midwest areas? "We're hard-working blue collar people...". And yes, some are in educated families and guide towards higher education rather than blue collar jobs but... Does that make an impact in Christian communities? Hard-work/ blue collar ethic rather than higher ed ethic? Remember also that European Jews were blocked from farming/ other types of blue collar types of jobs... Banking and finance are higher education... that tends to point an entire community in one specific direction...
  24. All they need to do is... Balance the budget. That requires bipartisanship, and both limits on spending AS WELL AS tax increases. Guess who's going to block that from happening? Hint: (it ain't Biden, or Democrats...).
  25. I think what it REALLY says, and this is just my opinion... is that the opinion polls are a year too early. By September of next year Trump will be sinking like a rock as most Americans come to their senses and decide they want Democracy after all rather than the violent fascist dictatorship that ****wad Trump and his scumbag MAGA MF'ers keep promising us.
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