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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. Hellberg trying to help you out there...
  2. Gimme at least 3 years, not 30+ days... And I have the perfect scroll: "We're a bunch of fucking LIARS!"
  3. Dude... we're gonna finish in the 9th draft spot... Resign yourself to the inevitability... !
  4. I think this really only works if they want to trade up for him. As long as Seattle or Detroit believe the Raiders have no interest in trading up for Carter... they might stick to their board and draft position... Allowing the Raiders to move up (if they are able to) and draft Carter ahead of Seattle and Detroit (if they truly believe one of the two want Carter...). Just thinking out loud...
  5. The sooner the better. Please. IMO.
  6. That could be interesting... !!!
  7. That's a long frickin' list. F the 2A, the NRA, and the Republicans who refuse to act in any reasonable way to protect our kids and our communities from these violent fascist F's. F these murderous F's. I have a right to live. As do my children. As does anyone else living in this country. Just in case I'm not clear on this... F the 2A.
  8. At least one legal group is attempting to kick Russia out of the UN Security Council: https://www.yahoo.com/gma/kick-russia-un-group-prepares-090400057.html
  9. Still stuck in that 10th-ish spot... But running out of games to play as well, to make much of any up or down moves...
  10. I also would prefer meals over bullets for kids (or work shovels as MB just pointed out...). WTF is wrong with these (all white) dudes...?
  11. Now let me see 12 more indictments for all of his other various crimes... They get the ball rolling... Let's Roll !!!
  12. And for simply reporting the truth. We should kick them out of the UN Security Council. Too late... we let Putin take over the "presidency" of the UN Security Council. WTF?!?!?!
  13. Positioning = rookie mistakes. Get that out of his system this year so he'll do better next year...
  14. Skating? Or Simon is getting out-physicaled...?
  15. The flipside to that was that he also tended to maintain control of the puck versus getting knocked off the puck/ or was able to find holes to skate through... we'll see how that fares in the NHL when he gets his chance up there... most likely next year though, not this year.
  16. Replacement level player. And frustrating one at that... Hope Springs Eternal!!!
  17. It's going to come down to lotto luck this year though. Which I absolutely hate. Otherwise... they are picking 7th or 8th - good player range but not in top 3 talent range...
  18. Well... They are doing their best!!!
  19. Smart choice to just get the vaccine. But then... Canadiens are smarter than Americans, right? Wouldn't you agree? 😉
  20. Yes. And the loud-mouthed A-Hole Anti-vaccers dominating the headlines would certainly make an impression on both the uninformed and on Dems in particular... who knew the Anti-vaccers were just playing stupid political games with a pandemic. Anti-vaccers are at 50% hospitalization risk because of no vaccinations...? Seems absolutely reasonable to me.... and I'm an Independent. Now I didn't verify anything... but that seems like a good guess.
  21. Basically this is a graph... Of a poll... Of everyone's WAG. It says nothing whatsoever about how well-informed a person is, or not. That's just a guess on your part, that a Dem wasn't properly informed. This is not a poll of who was well-informed, who was misinformed, who was doing the informing. It's peoples' perceptions. And since the loudest voices were Republican F.U. Vaccine (& FU Democrats) voices, and people knew that the aged were getting hammered... That seems like not a bad guess for someone who is not analyzing a table of actual results/ risks/ exposures/ hospitalizations, etc... If I had to WAG, I'd say 50% of the unvaccinated were a hospitalization risk as well. Just on a WAG.
  22. I've done this at least a few times as well... I don't know why I keep confusing Hanas and Mazur but... I have...
  23. Sounds like you're just making shit up. IMO. Respectfully.
  24. But that hasn't translated to the NHL yet and he's running out of time.
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