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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. That should be a fun dog and pony show to watch. With... ultimately, an empty bag of tricks that will be presented to the special master...
  2. Andujar is worse than what we already have so I would say hard pass...
  3. Pretty amazing "conversation" between Jewel and the lead guitarist... I always liked her - quite a lot - but I've never seen this before and... it is amazing...!
  4. I'm thinking a Matt Joyce or Steve Kemp comp... That would absolutely be good enough... But... we'll see...
  5. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-docs-probe-court-lifts-233757340.html "In a stark repudiation of Donald Trump's legal arguments, a federal appeals court on Wednesday permitted the Justice Department to resume its use of classified records seized from the former president's Florida estate as part of its ongoing criminal investigation."
  6. Early 2023 Prediction: Kerry Carpenter just might make it in MLB... Baddoo just might flop out... (Watch the exact reverse happen...).
  7. He... Gave an incorrect answer on how to build more Russian jets without using western sanctioned technology and therefore he was required to... take "the plunge".
  8. The new Russian Roulette: Take the PLUNGE and see what happens!!!
  9. Actually... I'm thinking the opposite... When Harris says "calculated risks", I'm not thinking back-end or edges of the roster... I'm thinking more along the lines of grabbing a young superstar that a payroll-conscious team believes they can no longer afford, or that they'll lose in FA for basically nothing. I mean... not to rehash or throw out hopes for another Miggy trade but... I'm just going to guess that Harris is shooting for higher end "calculated risks" than back-enders... Guys who are maybe 1 year from FA, with no guarantees that we can re-sign them (until we get them inside the Org...); and the team believes that they just cannot squeeze him into their future salary structure or that the guy wants FA no matter what. I don't think we want the no matter what guys.. we want the squeezed by small-market team wages limitations... Just thinking out loud... Anyone that looks like that...?
  10. Nope. Caffeine. About 3 or 4 Dr. Peppers at this point. I am... fully... caffeinated.
  11. This was the team-killer, right here. If Miggy's contract did indeed cause this ripple effect... then, yeah, an argument could be made...
  12. NOPE. Not interested. Between Manning, Eduardo, Skubal, Wentz, Turnbull, Faedo, Brieske, Hill, Alexander, Olson, maybe even Mize, and others that will be throwing their hats in the ring (Madden/ eventually Jobe) I've got 10 starters. Not just for 2023, but also 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027... Why would I want to pollute the rotation with 2 garbage FA starting pitchers. No freaking way. NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
  13. Bull SHIT and you know it! Do I need to list every freaking starting pitcher injury we've had this year? That LED to Hutch getting 20 starts? Because you know the freaking answer to that, don't you?
  14. What a stream of horseshit. Asinine. Pure insanity. A little bit better. Excuse me? No, it's NOT a fucking pipe dream. I'm not going to agree, or disagree with this. This may, or may not, be correct. But this isn't answered until all the broke pieces that are still around in 2024, and the new pieces coming up, show us what they can or cannot do in 2023. which again, and to your point, shouldn't exclude this team from signing or trading for a key player (Correa or otherwise). If the opportunity is there, do it. But I have zero interest in finding another Grossman or Schoop to add to the team. It's Correa (or similar level of talent or better) or Bust for me. It's time to let the kids show what they can do, which might take another year or two, before making moves that add icing to the cake. But the cake needs to be baked with these kids, not with more crappy FA's that don't do squat long-term for this team.
  15. I think it's idiocy to spend any money on starting pitching this winter. All of those question marks MUST be answered first. A huge NO on a FA starting pitcher. Unless he's a AAAA guy just for depth that's stashed at Toledo or comes up if/ when needed. Now... if there's a major trade opportunity (doubtful but ya' never know...) or major position player FA opportunity (IE: Correa)... sure. Or even a shut-down reliever that we can advantageously add... sure. But on SP's... just say NO.
  16. Civil charges of tax fraud against the Trump organization, Trump himself, and his criminal kids. With the possibility of criminal charges for tax fraud soon thereafter... It's a start.
  17. That has a nice "ring" to it...
  18. Which is fine... But I do hope he can find that higher gear...
  19. Woo Hoo! Lock that MF'er UP!!! (Definitely premature as I have no idea who will actually take the fall for whatever charges (it WILL be charges, right?) she announces...)
  20. I like Wentz. Almost from the moment we traded for him. Most likely just a back-end 5th starter. But as a bottom-of-the-rotation type... I'm thinking "Nate Robertson as a 5th starter"... That picture's just in my head...
  21. Winning will take care of that.
  22. Serretti will be at the least in AA. I'm doubtful on Cruz. But maybe...?
  23. I was just going to say... Bertuzzi's trade value at the deadline just went way up...
  24. Olson's trying to keep pace with 7 K's in 3 innings but also gives up a HR in the 2nd for a 1-0 lead for... Richmond.
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