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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. Or better yet... Taiwan!
  2. But I definitely want to kick them off the security council... and there's an easy "in" since they never filed any proper paperwork. they just assumed the position of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has the official security council seat... Russia does NOT! How about we kick Russia off the council and replace them with Ukraine... just for laughs?!?!
  3. The even crazier thing is... Central European winds are going to blow any radioactive fallout eastward... IN to Russia! Quite possibly over Moscow! WTF are these morons even thinking...?!
  4. No... They just want to treason more without the consequences...
  5. He needs to be guillotined, and his head put on a spike in front of the Capital Building as a message/ warning against further fascist deuchebag violence by his white trash racist scumbag followers. You know... like the good old days...
  6. I'm assuming once Meadows comes back... if he can stay healthy... That he's the 2023 DH. We have other OF'ers who can actually field the position and Meadows will have to sneak into the OF maybe once a week. Other than that, he should DH or the DH should rotate between lots of other players (not named Miggy) next year.
  7. Which doesn't mean Jack for his roster spot next year.
  8. Nope. He is not. And it's not his choice. It's the team's. Miggy ain't playing in 2023. Book it.
  9. Or just reduce him to: pinch hitting only. If he gets a game-winning single then more cheers for Miggy... And if he hits the game ending grounder that every other Tom, Dick & Harry would've beaten out because the defense booted the ball, well, then... oh well. And he doesn't need to pinch hit every game either. 2-3 times a week... The IL if they want to get Daz more PA's (what other RH'er do we actually have that's ready?) Or wait for September call-ups to add a couple more players and just keep Miggy as a PH'er... I would prefer the IL... Just thinking up some alternatives out loud... because who knows what the team is actually thinking...?
  10. We're not allowed to have nice things...
  11. This is what I want. Let him be the "Goodwill Ambassador" of 2023 for the Tigers. Fully retired, fully paid (his $40 Mill), and doing whatever he can to help out the team off the field and allowing the team and the fans to also appreciate him off the field. Or on the field for ceremonies and such... Celebrate him next year... just as not a player on the team... IMO.
  12. Dude... You KNOW I'M NOT the one involved in any Miggy-slobberfest. I've been calling for his retirement since last year. I gave up when everyone pointed out how close he was to his milestones... But about two seconds after he got his 3,000 hit I was back on the RETIRE MIGGY bandwagon. You're calling out the wrong guy... 'cause it ain't me. But... Also... In my honest opinion, he didn't look like he was dogging it to first. He was giving it his best it looked like... even if his best is slow as molasses. And since I'm not a dishonest person... I'm going to call 'em like I see 'em. Now, I hope you don't have a problem with honesty...
  13. That looks like he did leg it out... Everyone knows Miggy don't run no 4.4 40 anymore, right? More like a 12.4 40 once he gets up to top speed after a 20-step build-up to get his massive freight train of a body up to cruising speed... At best.
  14. So in other words... The Chinese (read: their Communist Government, most likely Xi Jinping) found out Trump had a cache of U.S. Top Secret documents at Mar-a-Lago and sent a spy or two to surreptitiously photo all, or as many as possible, of those documents that Trump had stolen as TFG... Smart. Glad she was caught. WTF is WRONG with these brainless MF'ing Republicans still trying to COVER for this DISASTER of a Presidency and now FORMER-Presidency? He was/ is a TRAIN-WRECK... the house is ON FIRE... but no... "Nothing to see here... it's all the Dems fault for... something, something, something...".
  15. I APPROVE this message!!!!
  16. Damn... Parker Meadows is actually going OFF...! He's 3-4 tonight with another HR (3 games in a row... I think that was mentioned above?) And Reese Olson's line tonight? 6 shutout innings, 1 hit, 1 BB, 10 K's.
  17. Nobody's touching Cy Kopech tonight...
  18. Now if he can only produce in MLB like Judge...
  19. Yes. And by Foley to close out that inning with no damage...
  20. Cy Kopech is on the mound tonight pitching a no-hitter against the tigers? Never woulda guessed...
  21. Because it's been gradually changing the past few years... and quite a bit last year in particular... I'm not certain there will be any sweeping changes. Another few years of middling turnover each year might actually get this team (FO) to where we want it to be...
  22. Between him and Baddoo needing to be platooned... That means we can look forward to a WHOLE Lot more over the next several seasons, of... Daz Cameron!!!
  23. Defense's are usually behind O's early in the pre-C so I'm not going to rush to any judgement until I see them at least in the 3rd pre-C... And obviously, how they look in the regular season will be the more critical...
  24. 1) 1957 2) 1997 3) 2008 4) 1984 5) 2004 Put a different way: 1) lions super bowl - been too long a'coming. Number one on my list too. The NFL is a really hard league to get there though. At least with this GM/ Coaching regime it feels like we actually have a chance to build up to that... Should be a fun ride over the next 10 years to see where they can take the formerly forlorn for 64 years Detroit Lions. 2 (A-B-C) 3-way tie for me with all these teams as I love my Red Wings-Tigers-Pistons... and they're all in the same boat with a crapload of young talent that needs a crapload of learning curve and whoever knows how that actually works out until you see it. I think these 3 teams will all be fun to watch over the next 10 years... although since the tigers crapped the bed this year they may not be a lot of fun in 2022-23 but... I think they will be fun (maybe in 2023) at least by 2024... we'll see on that... y'all know how I am... 5) michigan nat'l champ - I feel like the way the college game has changed that there's a near-zero chance that UM can ever again get back to be the College (National) Champion again. We'll see... but I don't feel like expending any of my time worrying about this so... not on my radar at all.
  25. We have to buy out 2024 for $8 Mill. He gets $40 Mill, at the very least, one way or another...
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