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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. I'm picturing that as an FBI agent with his gun unholstered (but not pointing at anyone) barking out "Make the Fucking Call!"... As the Sheep Not Lions employee goes down the list of MAGA Sheep that he or she is required to call to inform them that their Made in the USA product was actually Made in CHEYE-NA... muttering: "But it was just a little label thing...".
  2. WAHOOOO!!! Gotta go get those tickets as soon as I can... maybe this weekend will be some good timing for me...
  3. PS: I haven't seen it yet... gotta go see it...
  4. I like the Deadpool funny in which the sarcasm and sight gags and every other gag is way off the frickin' charts and just leaves my sides aching.... Pitt can also be that way (to a much lesser degree) so I was expecting a minor stream of hilarious coming out of Pitt's mouth after seeing the trailer...
  5. The simple explanation is that they just cannot let go of Grossman. Because of Hinch, or for whatever other reason they have...
  6. Putin's Orwellian Universe.
  7. Yeah, I like this one! BIGLY.
  8. Freaking Awesome!!!
  9. Not bizarre AT ALL. Putin is trying to shut the outside world off from Russia. He has to control the message. Which means... he ABSOLUTELY has to shut down VPN's. Not certain why that dude thinks it's bizarre, it's absolutely expected...
  10. Why would anyone be concerned about EROEI at this point when the very first task to complete is the efficacy of asteroid capture. EROEI comes later. Similar to landing a man on the moon. They weren't concerned about any return on investment, simply accomplishing the task. Same thing with the tipping rewards NASA keeps giving to private space companies... there's no ROI on that. It is simply to advance/ develop the technology.... that may become the leading companies/ technologies of tomorrow. So I get it, you're not interested in the "tomorrow" potential solutions (disregarding EROEI just for the moment); you're looking for the real time, today solutions, in order to solve immediate needs... And in that world EROEI is the only (well, not the only...) thing that matters. How about we all get back to that discussion as I apparently threw a wrench into the gears with my "asteroid capture" (and hey G2... are you trying to do the same thing with your Ocean stats on lithium...?!?! HAH!!!)
  11. Hell yes! I would LMAO !!!!
  12. They'll all be Republican vaccine refuseniks.
  13. I don't do assignments for fucking deuchebags. Oh, you wanted to talk about the immediate resolutions to the lithium problems? Not interested in today's AND tomorrow's resolutions? You could have said that. But this is about the 4th time you've followed one of my comments by being an asshole. GFY. I already gave you several immediate resolutions which you decided to ignore; and instead decided to deuchebag it. How close are you to your deathbed screw? I need to set my watch.
  14. Is that the one with Pitt...? It looked good IIRC from the trailers.
  15. It's something to think about. But... I don't think this team is done rebuilding yet. So to me, it doesn't make sense to trade two assets for one. I know Soto has proven more... But we need quantity AND quality. And the problem here is that both Greene & Tork may become as productive as Soto. That's a huge bet... and I understand if you and Lee are opining that you'd rather have the known quantity (Soto) rather than two unknowns that MAY be as good as the known one. If you asked me that in 3 years... and our team was nearly built, and we needed just that one monster bat to put us at or over the top... then yes, I would be perfectly willing to trade Jung & Jobe and the multiple other prospects it would take to get him. Plus Lee's caveat that you know you could sign him... because I am loathe to give up a boatload of high end prospects for a rental. I also want the known (commitment/ control) quantity. But today... I'm just not yet ready to make that move...
  16. I gave you a Thank You for that...!
  17. Contemptible fucks... as usual.
  18. PS: Weren't EV's pie in the sky 10 years ago? Grow the fuck up.
  19. Or someone needs to have the intelligence to have that conversation, which you seem to be struggling with. This has already been discussed by the US Government. In fact, this has been under discussion the past 6 years. We are already capable of doing that. And the first step does not have to include ROI, it simply has to prove out the technology. But you're too close to your deathbed to be worrying about pie in the sky BS, amirite?
  20. I wouldn't call myself gun shy at all... More along the lines of: "OK, now let's see some real progress! Prove it!" Especially with the new coach. And Stevie has given him the tools/ talent to try to make some progress... so... let's see it.
  21. Hah! Gladly given!!!
  22. I think that is incorrect. I think Al survives, and will not be kicked to the curb by Ilitch. The first question to me is: Will Ilitch keep Avila in the GM spot or... kick him upstairs? He'll survive either way, on that basis IMO: either as GM, or as President with a new up-and-comer coming in as GM.
  23. That means I'm EXTRA serious!!!!
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