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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. Just keep pushing upstream.... against the current.
  2. I think this is most like swimming upstream. You fight like hell, swim like hell... but the stream (injuries/ other teams/ etc.) are against you. And it sucks trying to swim upstream, and it takes forever, and it's dispiriting to have setbacks and/or to take forever trying to get upstream... But if salmon can get upstream, and spawn... then why can't we?
  3. PS: Nukes have been in Europe for what, 70-ish years? Britain 1956 until today. France in 1960. Other NATO countries at various times with US weapons (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, also Turkey... a lot of 50's emplacements by the Eisenhower administration). Protecting them first from the Soviet Union and now from threats from Russia/ Putin. But I need to check myself into a mental hospital? Look in the mirror. What an asinine comment.
  4. Torkelson is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. Baez is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. Greene is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. Manning is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. E-Rod is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. Baddoo is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. Mize is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. Brieske is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. Skubal is already traded? Please tell me what we traded him for because I haven't seen anything on that. If it's anyone else on the 25 aside from those listed above... I could give a crap anyways. Dumping Barnhart, Schoop. Fulmer, Chafin, 1 or 2 Castrei, Grossman, Soto, Jimenez AND Reyes is not tearing anything down. It's dumping underperformers or sell-highs for whatever we can get and to move new blood onto the 25. Which I am perfectly fine with. If THAT's the tear down... then DO it Al.
  5. So did they trade everyone? Is that already a done deal? Because if not, that's just pure speculation that means absolutely nothing. But you already knew that.
  6. I can tell that you're right... nothing matters... Just by looking at today's game thread...
  7. PS: Actually I think the album title is "You're Gonna Get It"... I have it buried somewhere...
  8. Nihilist. 😉
  9. Go ahead and question his track record and results. Try using relevant arguments instead of irrelevant and disingenuous ones. But that's just me.
  10. Since Avila was demanding Gleyber Torres for either Boyd or Fulmer... I think you and everyone else stating this is full of it.
  11. Who says the team is being torn down? And more to the point: PROVE that the team is being torn down. Because otherwise... just Pure Hyperbole.
  12. Overstatement. Who won't be available at this trade deadline (for various reasons) to be traded: Mize/ Manning/ E-Rod (just a guess on my part), Turnbull, Wentz, Olson, Faedo, Jobe, Madden, Brieske (maybe/ maybe not, dunno...), Baez, Torkelson, Greene, Baddoo, Carpenter, Dingler, Perez... Everyone acting like the team is going to be stripped down to nothing these last two pages is WAY overstating things. We already have a rotation. That needs to be put together next year mostly on the health end. This team is not bereft of talent. It's all just mostly hurt or in the high minors this year or trying to figure out MLB (never easy for anyone in a rookie year). Sucks, but this is the hard part... waiting for all the youngsters to sort themselves out and show themselves either playoff capable or not. Thinking the rebuild was over this year is premature. Whoever fell for that is the sucker. The rebuild is not over until we make the playoffs. Everything prior to that is still building/ rebuilding. If Avila can get a great package for Skubal, go for it. If not, keep him. I'm not advocating a trade... but I see no reason to whine over the possibility that he might get traded. Depends on the return.
  13. Same here.
  14. PS: It's a direct push against inflation. Which is the KEY ISSUE in America today. But you think this is stupid? Nope. BRILLIANT BIDEN!!!
  15. It's BRILLIANT politics. If we're making a MAJOR move to EV's and other major limitations in the need for oil and gas in our energy supply... why do we even need a Strategic Reserve? Biden is doing EXACTLY what he SHOULD be doing with the Reserve. Using it. To protect Americans from International shenanigans. And if you read everything on the matter, you'll see that they've already placed purchase orders on oil futures (after 2023, when we will hopefully be done with Russia's stupid play) for 60 million barrels. Making your comments moot. BRILLIANT move by Biden & his administration!!!!
  16. One other point: There are problems with grain distribution out of Russia and Ukraine, that feed the world's population, and hence creates possible death and starvation of 10's of millions in Africa (and SE Asia for that matter). To your point. This problem is CAUSED by RUSSIA ATTACKING Ukraine. So here's a simple solution: Russia: STOP ATTACKING Ukraine. See? That's a very simple solution. And we don't have to throw European security into the trash bin because you want to appease Putin.
  17. Ukraine has chosen to remain free and independent. I support that, yes. Your assertion of "all costs and all deaths/ recession and the starvation of millions" is irrelevant. Of course they are not acceptable. But what part of FREE and INDEPENDENT and willing to FIGHT for their FREEDOM do you not understand? This is not your choice or my choice, it is THEIR choice. And it is THEIR choice how and when to stop fighting for their freedom. It is not yours or my choice to FORCE them to stop fighting. That MOOTS almost everything else you've stated or queried on the nuke issue. THEY decide when to stop fighting for their freedom. Not a side nuke deal with Russia; which they have NO CONTROL over anyways. Which brings up my next point: Putin will NOT RESPECT any nuclear deal. He'll continue fighting or disrupting anyways. This also MOOTS your argument in its entirety. Which is why of course you are not answering this point. Please... answer. Putin could care less about your appeasement. He will continue doing as he pleases regardless of your desire to pull nukes out of Europe, and that will actually make him MORE dangerous. Yes, he's that great of a threat. Appeasing him will NOT resolve world starvation because he will still impede Ukrainian grain and fertilizer from getting to market. Which defeats your concern. It's a stupid move. Do you want to address that? I never said Ukraine "must win this war". I think they are capable of pushing Russians back to the 2014 borders. I think Russia overstepped militarily, in the face of US/ Ukrainian/ EU/ NATO resolve. And again, they deserve to fight for their freedom. I support that. And yes, I think an attempt to retake Crimea will result in Putin using nuclear weapons. Was I unclear on that?
  18. HAH!!! That's funny!!!
  19. Dingler's a big dude... Gives me Lance Parrish vibes...
  20. The aim is to stop Putin/ Russia from ever doing this again. It takes all forms of deterrence. Including nukes. Which Russia is boatloaded with. And perfectly willing to use as a matter of military doctrine. I'm surprised they haven't already used them given the sorry state of this war effort from them. But if Ukraine attempts to retake Crimea, all bets are off. I predict Putin WILL use nukes if the Ukrainians make that attempt.
  21. If they had their way they would have already taken Odessa by now, and would be invading Moldova, a free country but not part of NATO, to steal their Transdniestra region. Putin would also be invading a portion of Poland and Lithuania (not the whole country of either, but mostly the border area between the two... to establish a land corridor to their Kaliningrad territory on the Baltic sea. Those two countries cut off his access to Kaliningrad, going through Byelorussia of course. He's also threatened the Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, all NATO), NATO-Romania, Non-NATO-Khazakstan, NATO-Poland, etc., etc... He wants to be Peter the Great and restore under Russian control ALL the former lands of the Soviet Union. He has said so. BTW: Did you know that Russia once ruled over Finland and 1/3 of Sweden (1809-1917)? So yes... he has also threatened those two countries. The only thing stopping him is Western resolve to use every tool possible, at their disposal, to deter him. The Ukrainians have turned out to be a major road block to Putin's War of Conquering Territory quest. But this also includes NATO, heavy sanctions, cutting off the EU from Russia's oil and gas teet. And nukes. Giving up nukes is a Hitler-level appeasement ("Oh here you go Adolph, you can take the Sudetenland if you want. Will you now stop your plans to attack other countries?" "Sure thing. Absolute guarantee no future invasions from Nazi Germany."). Putin could give a fuck what we give up. Whatever we give up is an absolute sign of weakness to him and as a Predator, is just an invite to commit more war crimes/ violence/ territorial theft.
  22. Yes. That it's time to force your DH to retire and start looking for different options.
  23. He's their "least worst" hitter?
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