You are missing one assumption:
If someone votes without the vision (foresight, whatever one wants to call it) to see what is the consequences of said vote, or non-vote; then I assume that person is a moron.
To completely not understand voting for Donald MF'ing Trump, as a Bernie Bro turncoat (I believe stats say approximately 10% of them turned to Trump rather than vote for Hillary... so they are NOT blameless (I took a stab at the %, don't remember what it actually was but it was higher than 0% and lower than... maybe 20%?)); OR Otherwise... Is a shame upon that person non-voting or voting for a Fascist Scumbag like Trump.
And just change the name to George W. Bush. The conversation doesn't change. If someone believes W. is a moron, would be an atrocious, nightmare president... then one should... stay at home because one wanted someone else as the Dem nominee, not Gore? Vote Nader or someone else because Gore wasn't LIBERAL enough? What STUPIDITY. Could people quit being this freaking BLIND and actually LOOK at what is being voted for? You know, like our DEMOCRACY. There is an IMPACT from these decisions and we now get to LIVE with the CONSEQUENCES of that STUPIDITY!
I'm with MCS... a POX on ANY MF'er who doesn't GET THIS.