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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. Or they just miscalculated...
  2. DAMN! Too bad. I would love all of MAGA world to just boycott the elections in a fit of pique...
  3. LB'ers and a Safety.... next on the list...
  4. Yeah... He didn't look happy at all...
  5. So now we get to choose between the two after Jags do indeed take Walker...
  6. US Intelligence sharing with Ukraine off-the-charts: https://news.yahoo.com/u-intel-helped-ukraine-protect-160006854.html
  7. Haven't we been meddling in Ukraine for the past two months+ ? Loading them up with weapons & sanctions against Russia & such? Have we seen his lightning quick response to that yet? Let me know because I must have missed it...
  8. Gotcha... A little research says May 15th, 1986 when Eric King debuted. Not certain when he was rostered by the Tigers, it wasn't opening day roster...
  9. Are you doing this by the first debut in MLB of a player younger than you? (I get Dwight Gooden! Who debuted in 1984 at the age of 19 and was 8 months younger than me...) Or the first MLB Player younger than you regardless of when he debuted in MLB? (I'm one day younger than Will Clark and 4 days older than Jeff Hamilton (meh) who debuted in 1986...)
  10. Detroit Red Wings, 31-40-10, 13-24-3 AWAY ESPN+ 4/29 7:00 PM New Jersey Devils, 27-44-9, 16-19-5 HOME
  11. Off to a blazing start with our B Team.
  12. As a British Colony it would have been forced upon us. And no United States = no Civil War. Probably would have kicked off American Revolution part deux however... (see what I did there...?)
  13. Pros and Cons dude. Pros and Cons.
  14. I saw 10,000 Maniacs (Live, right in front of the stage) about 32 years ago so... Yeah. She was a whirling/ twirling dervish back then...
  15. Tork up to 5th... That's a start...
  16. Next: DeSantis: "You're voting straight-ticket Republican or my Gestapo will just shoot you in the head."
  17. We know EXACTLY that the Republican Party, starting with TFG, was ready to burn the Constitution of the United States and our Democracy down to the ground. And now the evidence of that is coming out.
  18. You are COMPLETELY discounting the fact that in order to create the United States of America, in 1776 and shortly thereafter, that northern states and any abolitionist, Founder or otherwise, HAD to accept slavery in order to get the southern states to participate in the Union. Otherwise, no United States of America, no successful American Revolution. = FAILURE.
  19. Detroit Red Wings, 31-39-10, 13-23-3 AWAY ESPN+ 4/26 7:00 PM Toronto Maple Leafs, 52-21-7, 29-8-2 HOME
  20. That's why I tried to make it more general in my description than just the hard right parties...
  21. I hope the Wings/ Stevie Y keeps this in mind... I'm sure he is...
  22. PS: Starting... already.
  23. He gave himself a monstrous black mark on Russian funding with the invasion of Ukraine. Now anyone accused of taking Russian blood money will suffer in elections/ polls/ popularity. That's a general statement... so I know there will still be some supporters of hard right wing politics/ fascism, etc... But I think, in general, support of Russia/ fascism/ taking Russian money is going to be in a huge downswing over the next 5-10 years...
  24. The key should have been balancing the budget and initiating an infrastructure plan. You can cut taxes in some areas (business taxes, which were causing problems with money staying overseas and corporate offices in America doing everything they could to also move overseas because of taxes), and increase them in other areas (drop caps to social security, lower SSN taxes per person, but overall improve SS financing with no caps... it would be a tax against the rich though), road tolls or gas taxes, etc... In order to balance the budget and add in Infrastructure... But Trump and his Trumpublicans didn't want to do that. They wanted to line their pockets with as much tax cuts as they could get away with, and were perfectly fine with $1 Trillion dollar annual deficit spending. And that's what they did. Greedy MF'ing ignorant morons. Not balancing the budget and cutting taxes when the economy was already doing fine is a definite contributor to inflation.
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