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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. And this is the EU's one big hammer against Russia. Moreso than any other tool they have. More than anything, drop their need for Russian gas in a huge way and... As a petrostate, Russia gets hammered and doesn't really have too many other economic fallback options.
  2. Yeah... I don't think they're considering the true impact of yanking Russia out of SWIFT, denying all forms of American technology to Russia... these are not non-impactful events. Russian economy will get absolutely hammered, that HAS to change the balance scale in Putin's thinking somewhat, especially if there is concerted pressure from the Russian oligarchs. I don't agree with Drezner's general statement.
  3. I'm with that too. But they have territorial integrity issues, since 2014 (I'm not going to count Crimea, just Donbas... was that 2015 not 2014?); and they still have corruption issues that are unacceptable to EU and NATO standards. Those are the deal-breakers that prevent Ukraine membership. I mean, maybe pissing off Putin is also an issue that prevents that from happening... it's just never been uttered out loud as that though...
  4. Yeah... Someone seems confused...
  5. The United States of HAMMER: https://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-punishing-putin-biden-could-171437620.html
  6. Oh I get that... But the US is still the Hammer. We have a lot of Big Sticks in the US that no one else has. Use them. I approve this message says Teddy Roosevelt. And Ronald Reagan.
  7. I think Leddy and Namestnikov get moved. Is the team ready to give up on Zadina? If so, they might move him as you say for another struggling prospect. Sad ending for a sad pick... If not, then it's only Namest & Leddy moving because I don't believe they'll move Bert. My guess is they're going to want to try and win in 2022-23, even possibly making the playoffs. I think that includes Bertuzzi. If they were just at the start of a rebuild you might move him now for as much as they can get. But I believe they're eying playoffs next year so no...
  8. PS: The way he just totally sucks up to Putin is beyond contemptible. And the Trumpers wanna spew some horse shit about what Donald MF'ing Trump would do to stand up to Russia? I mean, seriously? MTU is correct... he'd do nothing but freaking just roll over for his buddy Vlad.
  9. Trump = the BIGGEST BOOT-LICKER on the planet. He still wants a Trump Tower Moscow so... of course he is a boot-licker.
  10. I'm on board... Load up NATO troops into Poland, Romania, and eastern Germany as well...
  11. IMO... I think Biden should immediately drop a moratorium on ANY American technology going to Russia. Their war materials depend on American technology, chips, etc... wherever high-tech is required, their machinery requires American made technology. Cut them off completely. No third countries to sell them American technology or they'd get sanctioned/ cut-off... No technology that USES American machinery or other technology to produce it. This would not have an immediate effect... but it would be a critical issue to Russia and have long lasting effects that... Putin exactly knows about. It would state immediately that we are serious and not F'ing around.
  12. Russian Stooge? We have so MANY of those lately... For some trumpy reason or other...
  13. The funny thing is Obama was pushing for a monster Infrastructure Bill early on but then the Tea Party came to power and said FU Obama we won't agree to anything you want. Period. And since infrastructure is intensely (almost 100%) blue collar... it would have stoked up/ built up/ raised up the blue collar working class mid-westerners. The very dudes who flipped to Trump. If the Republicans hadn't said "screw you", Obama would have been know as the guy who rebuilt this country. Infrastructure-wise, that is... I think Obama should be high up, for multiple reasons. Including what you've mentioned. But... he's probably too high based on what he was actually able to accomplish. Not all his fault, but if it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done, no matter the reason. The reasons he is that high however, I think really revolve around recency bias more then anything. Yes also because of bio... but, after another decade, I believe he'll fall back below the LBJ's and other Prez's that accomplished great and significant things but fall behind in recency bias and popularity issues...
  14. Hah!!!!! (I wasn't paying attention obviously...) But they are going to get slammed tomorrow... bigly.
  15. France is attempting some last second negotiating skills and has pulled in Biden and Putin in one last attempt to avoid Putin's invasion and murder campaign but... Putin is wavering so... it's up in the air... until it isn't any more.
  16. Of course he is. What a deuchebag. Or scumbag. Or whatever... if it's related to contemptible he's the very definition of it...
  17. The orders to proceed with the invasion have been given. It's starting. We will wake up tomorrow with reports of how far into Ukraine Russian troops and tanks have advanced. (Unless they start with artillery & bombing barrages first, and then troops...). Markets are going to crash tomorrow...
  18. He won MVP in the Rising Stars with 18 pts, 7 'bounds, 9 dimes, 3 steals and 3 blocks (I think) so... definitely... relevant...!
  19. PS: Grewe did work him over in that vid...
  20. That's what it looks like. Plus one to him if he makes it all the way to the NHL and can do the same here with the Red Wings as on the videos you're popping up...
  21. Putin's ASSASSINATION List: https://www.yahoo.com/news/russia-lists-prominent-ukrainian-figures-202029297.html
  22. He looks like a whole lot more of Mantha than Ras... Now if his motivation level could be at 99% instead of Mantha's 29%...
  23. PS: I know the rest of your post was extolling the virtues of 8 teams each in 4 divisions... Just picking on your typing skills...
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