The funny thing is Obama was pushing for a monster Infrastructure Bill early on but then the Tea Party came to power and said FU Obama we won't agree to anything you want. Period.
And since infrastructure is intensely (almost 100%) blue collar... it would have stoked up/ built up/ raised up the blue collar working class mid-westerners.
The very dudes who flipped to Trump.
If the Republicans hadn't said "screw you", Obama would have been know as the guy who rebuilt this country. Infrastructure-wise, that is...
I think Obama should be high up, for multiple reasons. Including what you've mentioned. But... he's probably too high based on what he was actually able to accomplish. Not all his fault, but if it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done, no matter the reason.
The reasons he is that high however, I think really revolve around recency bias more then anything. Yes also because of bio... but, after another decade, I believe he'll fall back below the LBJ's and other Prez's that accomplished great and significant things but fall behind in recency bias and popularity issues...