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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. So many lying MF'ers... Just sooooo many....
  2. Ding ding ding ding ding....
  3. Unless you're Coal Ownership.
  4. Lindsey Hunter - Allan Houston - Grant Hill... They coulda been contendah's...
  5. Purportedly.
  6. No on Hosmer. If it were Myers (and adding him did NOT preclude us from adding another SP + RP (1 each)) then I would consider it. It would have to be Myers + either Robert Hassell or MacKenzie Gore. But what are they asking for?
  7. Go Evan Neal!!!
  8. And if you want to talk about the most Farcical grasp of American Governance then we're talking about that Brainless MF'ing Moron Donald J. Trump.
  9. Not as cynical as the Republican Party's outright boot-licking of fascism and their disgraced fascist leader.
  10. Perfect. Except isn't he an owner and therefore could care less what the workers are actually going through? He's big business, not blue collar.
  11. So how did AOC and Tlaib and others get voted into office...?
  12. Why wouldn't progressives vote for Democrats? Which issues do Republicans hold that speak to progressives? (A) Hampering or outright eliminating the right of POC to vote? (B) Calling Climate Change a Hoax, or a Lie, or Overblown? (C) Support of the Coal Industry above all others? (D) Overturning Roe v Wade? (E) Giving more tax breaks to the top 1% earners in this country? I mean, they certainly do not have enough tax breaks... (F) Supporting the rights of Employers over Employees, in all cases? (G) Preventing the passage of an Infrastructure Bill? (H) Eliminating health care coverage for at least 25 million Americans? Which issue is it exactly, that progressives should then WANT to vote for a Republican?
  13. Yes.
  14. PS: Just in case you were wondering... I am in NO WAY stating that "stopping fascism" is a one and only issue. I am a ferocious supporter of taking measures to stop climate change. I am a ferocious supporter of supporting the middle class. That means a focus on Infrastructure, future high paying blue collar industries (EV Car manufacturing, EV battery manufacture, solar and wind industries, both utility and residential, etc.). If any tax breaks are given, I believe in giving them to the middle class because (a) 70% of our economy is consumerism and (b) give a $1 to a middle class or lower-class person or family and they spend it (consumerism). Trickle down doesn't work so giving the top 1% a tax break means most of them just sit on it (savings/ investments/ stock market) which does NOT spur the economy. Wait!!! Those are all DEMOCRATIC positions! Oh, and we can also stop fascism by voting for more Dems. My exclaiming that we need to vote Dems to stop fascism does not PRECLUDE the issue that Dems are ALSO in favor of all of the progressive issues that are floating out there. Not every Democrat. But that just means, JUST LIKE I'VE SAID MULTIPLE TIMES... Vote in more Democrats and make Manchin-moderates MOOT POINT. This isn't difficult.
  15. That was a sin as much on the Republican side as the Dem side. Trump's populism spoke directly to that. So does Bernie's. It would have been the Dem version of atonement for that. But the Infrastructure Bill goes DIRECTLY to Blue Collar America... give it a chance to blossom and I don't really think it'll be such a hard time for the Dems to address. But then we have Trump winning in 2016, not Bernie. Now we are where we are... Hoping the economy/ Infrastructure blossoms to avoid falling into fascism.
  16. So vote in more Dems, moderate or otherwise. The sheer higher number of Dems reduces the moderates impact. This isn't hard. And a 2-year plan with zero perseverance is not as good a 30-year plan with absolute perseverance. I'm just saying...
  17. I agree that fascists are to blame for fascism... I'm not blaming Dem voters for that. What I am blaming them for, if they let fascism just take over by not voting... Is rolling over and playing dead while fascism rolls over the country due to lack of Dem voter "enthusiasm". I AM, and WILL, blame them for that. Whether you like that or not, I don't care. Tell the progressives to GET OFF THEIR ASS and VOTE to save this country. I don't care whether they like that message or not.
  18. That's freaking hilarious and a ballsy in-yo-face MoFo Move right there...
  19. So... We found ourselves a starting CB out of the busted safety dustbin...?!?!
  20. If Dem voters are all discouraged and butt-hurt and stay home and don't vote than they ABSOLUTELY are at fault for LETTING this country go to the fascists. End of discussion.
  21. Pass whatever we can. What gets tossed to the cutting room floor can be run on in 2022. "I would have supported passing _______ but our current Republican Senator said No. He (or she) also said no to _____, _____, ______ and _____. If you want these passed, elect me. We need more Dem Senators and we need them now."
  22. Solution: Elect MORE DEMOCRAT Senators which in turn... makes Manchin MOOT POINT. Simple logic, actually.
  23. The flipside to that is that if people wanted elected officials to do MORE shit that people want them to do then they should elect... MORE DEMOCRATS. Sort of circular logic that "regular people", or voters, are employing there...
  24. Like G2 says... Hill makes the team out of ST; also... you're actually missing Tork on your roster there, although you have him in the lineup; and... I don't think Willi Castro makes the team out of ST, it'll be someone else they want to check out like Paredes or Clemens or...?
  25. Ditto.
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