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Everything posted by 1984Echoes
The other thing that's hilarious about this is: I've espoused a hatred for Nazism and Fascism and somehow you want to make that out as if that were something bad. That's all I need to know about your jaundiced view of the world.
Who committed treason against the Constitution of the United States. An attempted coup. I'm fine with running my mouth exactly as I have been. Not one iota of difference.
It's in the Constitution of the United States. Look it up.
So he watches Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, and gets his news at the barbershop. Regurgitating Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. Sounds about right for our resident Archie Bunker.
Thought I had taught my daughter pretty well about all kinds of driving... parallel parking, who has the right of way in each instance of 2-3-4-way Stop Signs, left hand turning, crossing a road or a lane when coming out of a parking lot, etc. Including how to handle traffic circles. She didn't get her license until October (long time coming)... Afterwards... we ran into a few traffic circles... And she's swapping lanes IN THE MIDDLE of the traffic circle! Give me a freaking heart attack! First time I explained she has to stay in her lane in a circle because it's harder to see cars in blind spots, or jumping into the circle and, it very well could cause an accident. Did she not remember the instructions that I gave her? We were lucky there was no traffic right next to us because she didn't even look. I thought I impressed upon her the importance of not changing lanes in the middle of a circle. Second time she swapped from inside lane to outside lane RIGHT IN FRONT of oncoming entrance/ traffic lane... My eyes are bugging out as I'm looking at the line of cars ready to enter the circle, hoping they don't jump into the circle in THEIR lane just as my daughter is swapping into THEIR LANE and... WHEW! They didn't make a move. But they are 18" right in front of my face as I'm looking out the passenger window, passing them by. STILL ALIVE at this point! But I read her the riot act and said please don't get us killed. And by riot act, I was calm and, not too loud... but firm and with shaky voice told her what she did was extremely dangerous. The THIRD TIME was when we approached a circle, she stopped and correctly waited for her turn, there were two lanes entering with one going into the inside circle lane and the other going into the outside circle lane... and she was on the inside. So... she enters the circle... and says: "I think I prefer THIS lane" and jumps to the OUTSIDE lane AS she is entering the circle from the INSIDE lane. Another heart attack. But I calmly told her what she did. That there were two lanes entering the circle and she had to commit to one BEFORE the circle and not swap lanes like that, especially because someone very well could have been in the outside lane trying to enter the circle and she would have side-swiped them right off the road. Luckily, no one was there. But there was a LOT of explaining to her, on what to do. I had to hammer into her head how to drive a circle... And we ran into multiple circles afterwards (lots of traffic circles in this part of New Jersey), and... She remembered to stay in her lane each time.
Wouldn't work because they're not eligible for NATO. But ASEAN would work just fine...
PS: Which IS.... GET THIS!!! IN the Constitution of the United States of America!
Which is ending the filibuster for SCOTUS nominees. Ending. The. Filibuster. Go ahead and take a class before we finish this conversation... I'll wait.
I said execute them for treason. Trump and his insurrectionists too, for that matter.
So who is unbiased in your opinion? OAN? Newsmax? Fox? Alex Jones? QAnon?
And honesty. Republicans could care less about honesty these days...
Let's be more specific: Republican Senators eliminated the filibuster to pack the Supreme court. Our Country is in trouble specifically because of the actions of Republican Senators per your representation above, which you specifically stated that you disagree with... above. You just HATE that you self-owned your own HYPOCRACY, don't you?
Yeah... talk about HYPOCRACY. In ALL CAPS.
Because of the security guarantees that RUSSIA gave it... And us too... But Russia hasn't exactly... complied... with those security agreements... In a manner of speaking...
Here... I'll give an equivalency or two tigeraholic: in 1933 Hitler's Nazi's created a fire at the Reichstag in order to force legislation through that would give them dictatorial powers: the Reichstag Fire Decree, which the Nazis used the provisions of to arrest 81 Communist deputies, and to prevent several Social Democrats from attending a vote on the Enabling Decree (enabling the Nazis to overthrow the German Constitution and establish a dictatorship). The Enabling Decree, estabblishing a Nazi Dictatorship, passed 444-94. In 1922, Mussolini organized a "March on Rome" with his blackshirt fascists in order to attempt a coup d'etat. His threat of violence forced the King to appoint Mussolini as Prime Minister. At which Mussolini removed all political opposition through his secret police (violence, illegal arrests) and outlawed labor strikes. He then consolidated power through a series of laws that transformed the nation into a one-party dictatorship. We are at this point, RIGHT NOW, whether anyone is willing to recognize that or not. And Manchin and Synema in particular... appear unable to recognize the danger that our Democracy is currently in.
See my post above.
GTF out of there with this false equivalency bullshit. I've hatched no kidnapping plot, nor have I advocated violence against the US Government. NEWSFLASH for the uneducated: The PENALTY for TREASON is DEATH.
Bull. Shit.
I also hate: Hitler Youth, the Final Solution, White Trash Bigotry, the Nazi Symbol, Fascists, the Gestapo, or the SS if you prefer, military juntas, armed vigilantes, Mussolini, Lynchings, the Kim (Kim Jong Un) family, Despotism, Redlining, Kleptocracies, Domestic Terrorists, ... Etc. Sense a theme?
A couple of other points: There are a couple of sayings.... which are very common, and would put my rhetoric in a bad light. As I can see the rejection of my statements are causing... One is "Never stoop to the level of the other guy", the other is "Turn the other cheek". Not bad sayings... that both say basically don't act crappy like the other guy... However, there is a diametrically opposed saying that goes like this: "The bully will always get his comeuppance". The problem with this saying is that the Bully will NEVER get their comeuppance UNLESS... someone does NOT turn the other cheek. Or that someone specifically DOES stoop to the other person's level. You can be upset at my harshness. But that's what I am seeing in this country right now. As you've said... no compromise. And I will not just simply roll over for these fascists, bullies, liars, and bigoted hate-mongering POS's that are rampaging through our country/ politics right now. They need to be put down. In the harshest measures possible. Even if you don't agree with that. I will NOT turn the other cheek. And I will stoop to their level in order to fight back against their fascism/ hatred/ bigotry/ etc... Even if that upsets quite a lot of people. In here, or otherwise.
I will stand by the following statement: The fascists in this country have gone too far, the Red Hats have gone to far, and Trump and his insurrectionists have gone too far. Are you willing to take up arms to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic? Because I already did, a long, long time ago. But I am willing to do it again. It's not hate, it's patriotism. I am willing to defend the Constitution against fascism. Are you? And BTW... yes, I do have an uncompromising hatred of fascism. If Republicans want to win office, and do it constitutionally, not by using illegal means... I have no problem whatsoever with their leadership. In fact I voted for Bush in 2004. (Then Obama, and then when the F.U. Tea Party Republicans took control of Congress... started my angst). But what they are doing right now is way the fuck out of line. It's unconstitutional, it's fascism... and they can go fuck themselves. At least until they return to normal... whenever that may be.
I don't see this as possible at all. 10% of his voters will be dead from Covid or other age-related diseases (the younger generation does NOT support him the way the older gen does, and there will be attrition there in 4 years). And I don't see Jan 6th being lost to a "short memory". That turned off a huge swath of voters. And it won't be forgotten. Even if the % changes, he's permanently lost a swath of Independents and a swath of Moderate or Establishment Republicans who will now not vote for him no matter what. That doesn't even speak to moderate/ establishment Republicans who Trump is simply forcing out of the party. Politically, emotionally, and soon to be seen, with their votes. They don't have short memories on what Trump has done to them and their party either. There will either be backlash votes, or non-votes that were formerly his. He's not getting more votes in 2024 than he got in 2020. If he's the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024... he's getting his ass handed to him in a handbasket. Complete and total wipeout, and it doesn't matter who is heading the Dem ticket.
There would have to be some kind of backlash against the minority usurping the political majority unconstitutionally. Personally, I would prefer - if for example Georgia threw out Democrat Electors whence a democratically elected President, a Democrat BTW, carried the state in favor of their own illegitimate electors - the President of the United States call 50,000 National Guardsman into the State of Georgia to arrest the Georgia State Legislature Republicans, and any other State Official (Governor, election officials, etc...) that played a part in tossing out the Constitutional Votes of Georgia Citizens in favor of their own political/ unconstitutional/ fascist interests, and charged with attempted coup, sedition, etc... I would then want all of them executed. But... Maybe that's unreasonable.
It will slow down after Christmas because we enter a very normal slowdown in the winter months. Less home buying, less gift giving, less driving, pretty much less everything. That will slow down inflation... and it ain't magic... and it ain't conspiracy mongering from the left. The world has until spring to figure out how to loosen up supply chains...