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Everything posted by 1984Echoes

  1. After hearing from Motown Bombers... I'm eager to see... Choices.
  2. As for Apple... A different kind of knowledge...
  3. No... the apple is knowledge. And an "all-knowing" god hates that common folk gain knowledge. If they gain knowledge... they know that "god" is just a man-made folk-story to explain the world, death, weather phenomena, etc... "god" wants people stupid and compliant. Therefore an apple from the tree of knowledge is anathema. Also known as a "sin".
  4. If you want to talk about an explosive trade... How about D'Andre Swift?
  5. Very interesting. Surprised that's the way Blashill decided to go, but... Very interesting.
  6. Rasmussen needs to look like that: stronger on his skates, stronger control of the puck, quicker reactions...
  7. No such thing as Babylonian paganism... did you mean Babylonian polytheism? Also... Babylonian polytheism is from the original Sumerian polytheism, which predates Babylon by about 2,500 years... Sumer - the birthplace of civilization.
  8. The Village is like his super hero movies: Unbreakable-Split-Glass. These aren't comic-book heroes, but an attempt by M. Night to spin stories about "real people". They're not real people of course, but they are made up stories that make it seem like they are real people. Like... the Village. Oh... the horror, the horror.
  9. It was a horror movie. It didn't turn into something else, it turned into something more. The rest of your two posts are a bunch of gobbledygook.
  10. Aha! I haven't followed all their issues so... I guess I had the general story... But I didn't have those specifics so, thank you.
  11. Wow! Everything just lined up so nicely here...!
  12. Tesla is not a fraud. But it is built on public subsidies, if that's what your referring to... However, as G2 noted, he's had little to no competition... And that's about to change. As soon as there are dozens of competitors out there, and there will be dozens (not all winners)... I believe Tesla's stock will tank.
  13. PS: Why would you punch a director for your own lack of ability to comprehend?
  14. Yeah... it wasn't a con at all. It was a conservative group of people trying to hide from modern times and live like "in olden days"... And using scary tactics to try and scare everyone into line, and away from exploring back into the modern world. I got it. It was a cool story. I don't think tater "got it".
  15. If I were looking to replace "bullpen", for whatever reason... My preference would be more like "Reliever Reserve" or, "The Reserve" for short. I would avoid "The Reservation" for some, uhhh, negative connotations. But "The Reserve" I think is workable.
  16. Isn't that supposed to be "butt cushion" or "nap location"?
  17. I'll survive too. My preference is that they work something out but... Yeah... It takes two to tango.
  18. Does anyone else think that Cloud Atlas just really, really, sucked?
  19. So it sounds like you have just permanently closed that door. If the Org has... oh well, I will concede. If the Org hasn't, and still thinks it can reach CJ... well, I'll just leave that door open, personally, just in case...
  20. I agree that's not a good sign... player/ culture-wise... But I'm still holding back on judgement because I think a large part of that is the influence of sub-par players on culture. Not because they are bad culture but, because they are bad players. And if Swift becomes part of the problem instead of the solution then, I think that will suck for us because he is one of the young players we would like to see succeed but... I also think that we'll just have to see how the Org fixes the player/ talent issue before we can really get a read on the culture issue...
  21. If that's his stance then, yes, he can just go away. If the Lions offer to negotiate and he says "screw you" then... yeah, same message back to ya' CJ... But did the team make that offer? I mean, I don't know about that...
  22. I said before the season that there were too many unknowns to even hazard a guess. Could be 3? 6? or 9? wins, or somewhere in between? Lose 5 or 6 of their best players and they may end up with 0 or 1 or 2 wins? I didn't expect this... but I'm not surprised. A lot of the "unknowns" before this season are becoming known. I don't feel I've revisioned anything. (I mean... personally).
  23. I meant on a game-by-game basis. Sometimes they look like a monster (in several games), sometimes above-average (I think better than middle-of-the-pack...), and sometimes a non-productive game. Bertuzzi-Larkin-Mantha looked like a monster line for half a season before injuries started to set in... even with Mantha coasting a lot... so I get trying to NOT be premature on this... But I did say world-beating "at times" and I believe I can stick with that... to-date. We'll see how the rest of the season goes to get a better/ fuller read on this line...
  24. Then negotiate. That's all I'm saying...
  25. The last two games are meaningless. Before the season I didn't care about wins and losses.. and I don't right now. As for the really, really crappy game they played against the Eagles... I have no opinion until this team gets better players. Which is not probable until at least 2022, possibly even 2023.
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