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Everything posted by romad1

  1. Tesla having a dead cat bounce today. Perhaps it was the personal intercession of the nominal POTUS
  2. So, this is annoying. How many people in my life have died from pancreatic cancer and it could be preventable or treatable? Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin: "Having lost someone in our family to pancreatic cancer in January, I can't tell you how gut wrenching it is that this research is being cut because people have lost their damn minds about science." — Bluesky
  3. I was hoping you weren't going for some Degrassi Junior High references... which would have been amusing but not a strain of humor i'd want to share with my wife and daughter.
  4. FTR, Justin's eye crinkles are totally Pierre's.
  5. Interesting. She was a big part of the scene at Studio 54 but that sort of post-dated Justin's DOB: 1971.
  6. I'm feeling a little queasy at the direction of this
  7. the circle on the headline is the notable part.
  8. Twitter was purchased with help from the Saudis
  9. No kidding...he's a liar The South African government is a kleptocratic mess. Here they do the World a service.
  10. which horrible person do you mean? I doubt Trump understands the joy of driving (such as it exists in this country with the poor road quality) because he gave Barron as a toy car a limousine. Elon...no idea.
  11. the Oligarchs really like Trump
  12. all interesting and valid points
  13. So, Musk has some unique protections not held by any human ever.
  14. I guess the French and British must have provided the necessary info.
  15. I had a couple different responses...I couldn't settle on one: He's the proof not all illegal aliens have an awareness of what makes America special Can I be part of the ground crew? When he stops taking the drugs he's going to crash worse than one of those rockets Someone forgot to load the empathy program at boot but we can test in production
  16. Can we get Tesla to $100 a share? By Friday?
  17. Fits his narrative though. He wants Russia to win.
  18. I viewed it as a bunch of FoxNews fever dream at the time. They had a whole thing in one of the tabloid newspapers in the UK about Ivanka's glam squad showing up at dawn before she met him. I mean, she's a whore from a family of whores. He's got Rachel McAdams and Cobie Smulders up there. Canadian women are no slouches.
  19. By citing the Rosenbergs you play a clever hand. The Russian intelligence services have been defending them and using their execution as a foil against the United States for so long its a hard habit to break. And yet, they are Jewish so...the Nazis in the Trump administration and their MAGA fans are loath to defend them.
  20. Ketamine. Mark K needs to get off Twitter.
  21. we are going to find out that Justin Trudeau slept with either Melania or Ivanka causing all this turmoil with Daddy Adderall, aren't' we?
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